Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
So,so Pendell. Then you want perhaps to challenge a Kilrathi for close combat, no weapons, except natural ones. Surely you do not want to say that you are afraid to take on a duck, hmm?
And having that said, then all the dead Terrans were shot down by ducks? The Confederation was not able to crush an enemy for 40 years, although they were only as strong as ducks?
"Monkeyboy, you make me laugh!"
Laughing in the face of Death is admirable. I salute
your courage, if not your skill.
Afraid to take on a duck? I take on Kilrathi almost
every day, and win always. I attest that ducks are
harder targets. I have greater trouble breaking wind
than disposing of a Kilrathi.
The Confederation was weaker than ducks because
worthless politicians hamstrung the war effort,
for many years refusing to acknowledge that there was
a war and using every opportunity to dismantle carriers,
cut back forces, etc. Had Confed been a unified military
dictatorship, the K. would have been crushed in days.
Perhaps the opposite question could be asked: Why
couldn't the K. take Confed for 40 years, DESPITE
200 more years of experience in space warfare, DESPITE
stealth technology, DESPITE overwhelming numbers, DESPITE
the Kilrathi having a ruthless, singleminded government
while Confed was settled with worthless politicians who
hamstrung the Navy at every turn, DESPITE the Mandarin
and Retro movements -- DESPITE all these things, the K.
still lost. Why? BECAUSE THEY SUCK!
-- Brian P.
[Edited by pendell on 04-09-2001 at 14:43]