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Ha! Without the assistance of the warriors of Kilrah you would never have accomplished anything, you clawless cowards!

Raptor, for all the hardship you had to bear while living among this pathetic bunch you will be awarded the Icon of Sivar and your offsprings will be granted the right of imperial blood!

And mpanty: You call that fighting? Guess, it is the thought that counts, so thanks, weak human. ;)
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt

And mpanty: You call that fighting? Guess, it is the thought that counts, so thanks, weak human. ;)
Wha..? So much for Kilrathi honour... <ptoieeeeeeee> I spit on you stinking Kilrathi fleabags...

You're not even good for purring, get out of my sight! :p
What does an ape know about honour? You dare to talk about honour, you worthless creature? The concept of honour is unknown among the humans, one more thing the humans could learn from the Kilrathi, if they weren't so hopelessly stupid.

$tormin, very poetic, but do not forget: the Kilrathi are both physically and mentally superior to the humans.
Oh no! Raptor we are beaten by this super human,with its superior mental abilities. I bow to your unmatched skills, Icedagger, and offer you my life. You are really a true warrior.

(BTW, that was NOT serious ;))
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt

(BTW, that was NOT serious ;))
Oh, it's okay... you Kilrathi are never serious anyway...

Remember that time you told us we were going to die? PAH!! I never laughed so much in my life... :p
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
Yes, I can imagine how you cracked down in hysterical giggling, you frightened Terran. :p
That's right, you can only imagine it, because what you actually saw was only the front of my fighter on that head-on pass...
After that, you could only see your shields level go down... :p
Icedagger, care to join in our little dispute? :)

mpanty: How do YOU want to know what I can and what I can't?
Surely you somtimes had the picture of a Kilrathi fighter on you VDU in WC2 without shield symbols. That was because we switched them off.
You call that a fighter? more like second hand piece of crap.
Your flying like your trying to jerk off the joystick. wassamatter? cant find your own?
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
How do YOU want to know what I can and what I can't?
Well, from my little Dralthi experience in SM2... :p
I also know that you stupid Kilrathi do not have an ejection system in your fighters, "your pilots must die fighting"...
Ok then, Thrakhath is a coward because his ship does have an ejection system...

Surely you sometimes had the picture of a Kilrathi fighter on you VDU in WC2 without shield symbols. That was because we switched them off.
Indeed... that made my job of blowing you to pieces a lot easier... :)

[Edited by mpanty on 04-08-2001 at 18:36]
We keep our better fighters stored for real threats. If we had used them, humanity would have fallen in a matter of days. Plus, it would not have been honourable to fight an already inferior race with superior technology.
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