Hi-Res Dralthi

Very very nice Howie. If I wasn't afraid the traffic would break something on Sagas ftp, I'd see if I could put it up. I'm sure the CIC staff will make sure something happens to display your movie :)

Howard, do you know what exactly is going on with your web server? I know it was stuffed up before, but I thought it was fixed again after that. Oh well, I'm eager to see the full product. :)
The remade opening is damn impressive!

Actually I should say that is HOT. I never usually say that but I think that defintely deserves a HOT :)

Sensational Howie! I would have prefered a more orange 'bolt' for the lasers, but it is more than stunning nonetheless. :)

Hi & happy new year!

Where can I find this Dralthi from Howie as a OBJ 3D File for printing.
I´m not into 3D modelling or printing 3D things. A friend prints it for me.
I want to paint one link the Tarsus from my other post.