Hi-Res Dralthi

Yay. People like it. :D
Anyhow, here're some more recent shots of the current progress. Also I've begun work on the aft portion of the fighter. Dang, this this is looking better and better. It's actually looking deadly now. Amazing.



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Howie: I hope you can make a kick ass high res version of the Claw, that would be cool. My question is, are you gonna follow the blueprints exactly or use the in game model, which has six engines instead of five or a combo of the two?
Sylvester said:
My question is, are you gonna follow the blueprints exactly or use the in game model, which has six engines instead of five or a combo of the two?
Or the 9-engine Claw from the WC1 victory ending :p
That one had 8 engines. But it lets something in claw marks work. Remember the mention of Custer's carnival? It says that 3/4 of the Claw's engines are destroyed. Well, that works out with this one, 6 of the 8 engines out witch translates to 3/4
Well, I want to stick as close to the original as possible. So Engines = Blue. :D
As for the question of the TC - I'll probably do it the best I can. Haven't screwed up much on these last two models, and I don't intend to start. :D



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Hey, don't bark orders at Howie. He's doing this of his own free will and love of WC. He's not subject to orders and barkings. He's his own man.

That said, I wanna see the Scimitar first, Howman.
Howie Day said:
Well, I want to stick as close to the original as possible. So Engines = Blue. :D

I havent played the game in awhile but the 5-way-view that LOAF poasted shows it with red engines. :confused:

Deas any body have a screen shot of the Dralthi in the TC's hanger? And does it show a landing gear? What about the landing sequence?
overmortal said:
Hey, don't bark orders at Howie. He's doing this of his own free will and love of WC. He's not subject to orders and barkings. He's his own man.

That said, I wanna see the Scimitar first, Howman.
sorry a little exitied its just so pretty. and sorry howie did not mean it to sound like that i was giving you orders
Well, first of all, the Dralthi isn't finished yet. Still much more to do. :D Also , the first animation will most likely be the intro to WC1.... I have all the parts I'd need.
And the Scimitar is most likely going to be next.
Oh, and the engines allways showed blue except when they afterburned. When the engines were off they were a dull red. Same with the Human spacecraft.


You're doing the intro to WC1?!!!
The engines are blue??
well that gives me an excuse to go play it again.
hehe :D
Oh, man, and throw in some super-nice orchestrated music (Fat Man did that, right?) and it'll kick a lot of ass and catfood.
Well, I've finished the Intro - and I need a place to upload it to.
It's 5.8 Megs, and has music and sound fx. All in all, I'm pretty pleased with it. Until I can get my website issues resolved, I'm going to be out of luck when it comes to posting anything. I've attached two screenshots.



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