In fact I am planning on doing an animation with this. However, the exact scenario has not yet been determined. In order to do the WC1 Mission 1 I'd need the Tiger's claw, Scimitars, Hornets (done
, Dralthi, and Salthi. Along with a lot of time. So I doubt that will happen.
Anyhow, it's all in the tweaking of the materials to get that right painted-metal-weathered-dirty-alien look. I think I nailed it on these.
anyhow - the current level of detail on the underside is severely lacking. just imagine it looking like the topside, detail-wise, and you'll get the idea. Also, does anyone out the know if the Dralthi used landing gear? If so, where was it located? If no-one knows, I'll just make it up. In other news, I'm still at a loss as to what happened with my web server. the server still seems to be there, but I can't connect outside of FTP to either the DNS, or the IP.. Strange. Any thoughts?
Enjoy, gentlemen.