Hi-Res Dralthi

I use 3dsMAx 4,5,and 6 (depending where I'm at, and what plugins I need to use). Photoshop for the textures.
Well, I'm still working on the website problems - hopefully I'll have them resolved soon.


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Okay - I started work on the cockpit - and I've been screwing around with the textures a bit.. Let me know what you think.


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Little more work done on the cockpit - as well as some more accurate coloring.



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This is going to be amazing when it's done. Are you considering putting together an animation with this? Perhaps recreating the first mission in WC1 with both of your fighters?
Yes Bengal and uh some Scimitars cause they are on CAP btw if anyone is willing to team up with me to make a Wildcat Im almost done with my orthgraphic views (board drafting) that would be cool
BTW Howie, the images of the underside of your Dralthi are too dark for me to see anything (and your first ones are red x's to me), but you have a high resolution source if you have a WC1 box sitting around somewhere :)


That image is not so great, but if you can find a bigger image, you can see the decals and such on the underside (maybe I'm telling you something you already know).

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Dralthi models always end up looking like they're made of wood... whereas the original had a fairly non-wood-but-still-brown look to it.
In fact I am planning on doing an animation with this. However, the exact scenario has not yet been determined. In order to do the WC1 Mission 1 I'd need the Tiger's claw, Scimitars, Hornets (done :), Dralthi, and Salthi. Along with a lot of time. So I doubt that will happen.
Anyhow, it's all in the tweaking of the materials to get that right painted-metal-weathered-dirty-alien look. I think I nailed it on these.
anyhow - the current level of detail on the underside is severely lacking. just imagine it looking like the topside, detail-wise, and you'll get the idea. Also, does anyone out the know if the Dralthi used landing gear? If so, where was it located? If no-one knows, I'll just make it up. In other news, I'm still at a loss as to what happened with my web server. the server still seems to be there, but I can't connect outside of FTP to either the DNS, or the IP.. Strange. Any thoughts?
Enjoy, gentlemen.


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powell99 said:
Yes Bengal and uh some Scimitars cause they are on CAP btw if anyone is willing to team up with me to make a Wildcat Im almost done with my orthgraphic views (board drafting) that would be cool

That I'd like to see...
I must admit, that this current Dralthi is the best I ever seen.
"Better (!) than the original". Some of the details looks improved, but in a good way.
Only the substitutional symbol on the wings don't fit with the rest of the fabulous design.