Originally posted by cff
Prove me there is a creator and show me how he/she/it looks first
Actually, I don't even need to get into religion here. The fact is, there's been a great movement in the scientific community over the last several years whereby many scientists who aren't even "religious" are leaning towards and even embracing the idea of "intelligent design". This is simply the conclusion that, with all the beauty, complexity, interdependence, and vast variety seen in nature, surely there must be some intelligent designer (read: a Deity or "greater power") behind it. Think of it; it's all around us: When we look up at the sky and study the cosmos through a telescope, or peer into the world too small for our eyes to see with a microscope, or simply enjoy a great day out in the fields and forests, complexity, order of structure and function, and interdependence abound. Only the fool would/could decieve themselves into thinking that things "got that way" by accident.
If the Earth was any closer/further from the sun than it is, or earth's axis any more/less tilted than it is, the earht would be unable to support life. If plants (esp. trees) didn't need CO2 and give off O2, and animals need O2 and give off CO2, neither would be able to live. If the pH of your blood wasn't/isn't within about mere half a point of normal (7.4), you would die rather quickly. These are just a few examples. The whole list is rather exhaustive.
The Law of Entropy states that, left to itself, all matter would tend towards a state of chaos and disorder (entropy). That said, how can it be explained that all this order and interdependence just "happened"?... The ironic thing is, it takes more faith to believe
that than to believe there is a Designer out there somewhere. Put another way, the weight of the empirical evidence (see references below) argues against existence NOT being of intelligent design. More and more, scientists are beginning to realize this.
Originally posted by cff
That's hard to prove. But I'd dar to say apes and whales.
Huh? and where do you draw that inference?... Sure, both are highly intelligent, but that don't make for a conscience. Have any empirical evidence to support you?...
Originally posted by cff
Read the post again, guy; I said "on a massive scale" (such as houses/facories/office buildings in any major city, let alone the cities themSELVES...).
Originally posted by cff
They can use tools. Period. We use a screwdriver to build a machine. We then use machines to build factories. These factories can then mass-produce screwdrivers, hammers, power saws, etc. Apes' use of tools don't even begin to compare...
Originally posted by cff
How would you know? Some apes or pigs or dogs can calculate.
We also know that music greatly influences animals (cows give more milk for example with classic music)
Influence animals ONLY. They don't compose concertos, or use higher mathematics to solve the problem of heavier than air flight, for example...
Originally posted by cff
Do we? That question is highly philosophical.
Not really. It's a well-established scientific fact that animals are driven by instinct, not free will and choice. The fact that we humans can overrule our "instinctive" responses to things is what sets us apart. It's what allows most spouses to stay true to their mates, while the Bill Clintons of the world simply ignore their ability to choose and "go with" their carnal instincts and mate with anything.
Originally posted by cff
Rats defending the helpless; giving their lives for one another? Where'd you hear that?... I'd love to read THAT news story...
Originally posted by cff
Again, this is a philosophical question.
Originally posted by cff
That is oversimplifying. Just because a human is an atheist and so voiding one of your prequisites doesn't make him less 'superior'. Similar just because we are unable to see one of the aspects in one animal you cannot say it isn't there.
I merely mentioned different organisms at it can be best show with them.
Actually, you are wrong: A person being an athiest doesn't at all negate my premise. The vast majority of humans have an overwhelming belief in a Deity, though we obviously don't all agree on the particulars as to how to worship Him, etc. Those who are atheists choose to be so, and they are in the extreme minority. I never said they were "less superior"...
...And, to a large degree it CAN be said that if we can't observe it, it ain't there regarding these traits in animals. These things can be inferred via empirical evidence, even when they can't be scientifically proven ..yet. After all, bumblebees aren't supposed to be able to fly, yet we
observe them doing so all the time. When things can't yet be proven, we go with where the weight of the empirical evidence leads us.
The fact that you had to mention different organisms "as it can be best shown with them" only goes to prove my point; WE are the only species to possess all these traits, and more where that came from... And that doesn't tell you anything?...