Originally posted by Preacher
Speak fer yerself...
No, seriously:
Biologically, that statement is true. However, we are much more than the sum of our parts, unlike other animals.
Show me a speicies of animals that are made in their Creator's image; have a conscience; are capable of logic and reasoning; can feel compassion, love, sadness, and joy; are capable of building their own dwelling places (on a massive scale); build and use tools (and then use them to build still BETTER tools); can understand and converse in mathematics and music; have free will; defend the helpless, and give their lives to help/save another; who have a self-consciousness and who can somewhat understand and have fellowship with their awesome Creator, and then just MAYbe you'll have a fighting chance of convincing anyone that humans are "just another species" of animal...
...Until then, though, the unique distinctions of humankind mark us as completely "other"...
Humans are the only species on earth that does constantly illogical things like destroying it's own habitat, other species, takes pleausure in revenge and where different individuals kill each other for blatant reasons. As you can see, I'm not very confident about humanity.