Feature add list for Flight Commander and question

What I need is a way for the camera to turn and keep a particular craft in view. (as it is right now, I would have to use the look at interpolated and try to get the number of milliseconds right so the ship remains in view the whole time.

Oh and there is also an issue with the fullguns2d, how do I have separate fullguns2d images for different cockpits?

Hmm, you should be able to do that, you can set the focus on the ship, and then move the camera anywhere, and still have it look at the ship. But right, there's not right now a way to change the weapon hud graphics per cockpit.
I know this is more of a matter of polish than anything else, but the huds could do with some sizing fixes (in the code I mean). On some resolutions the size of the text is too large for the background picture. The sizing overall for many of the elements in the hud seems off too.

As can be seen in the picture below, the time exceeds the picture. I am curious, are the background picture sizes changed at all going from one resolution to another?


  • hudBW.jpg
    79.3 KB · Views: 152
Thanks, I'm aware of that. My time is focused on gameplay right now, I've closed off 2d work for the time being, with the completion of the animated menus. No the cockpit graphics are not scaled as resolution changes.
I have a question about the ejecting commands. Is it possible to script a random eject pick-up? Like sometimes it will be the bugs on one mission and sometimes confed on that same mission?
I think so...just set up a random number to be either 1 or 0 and have that number be used for the true/false integer in the set friendly eject code (I don't remeber off hand what this code is exactly though.
If I am given the code, that would make my mod diffrent from every other (except for mabye Rangers Glory, since Iceblade knows its possible :p.)
Well about that... I know I need math.random but I don't know what to put in the function for the script I was thinking

function Player()

Would that be right?
Set the variable to equal whatever math random produces then use that varable for the integer true/false field in the friendly eject function.
Ok, really confusing. I would love to implement it into the game, but I guess I will have to do without. I'm thinking it should look like this.


elseif 1=true

That looks correct but I'm pretty sure its not.
Well, I am not sure how to exactly implement the math random function so it will only pick randomly either 0 or 1....but once that is done, just set a variable equal to the math random function and use that variable in friendly eject function

v=math.random(0,1); --I do not know if this will pick either number or pick any real number between the interval

I've looked at eddiebs cutscene, and the gauntlet missions. When eddieb suddenly opened the door to making rooms, it bursted into my mind. I am going to make the window (originally for exiting) a spot for when you click on it, you look out a "window" and watch ships go by, jump in, jump out, fly by, leave for a patrol, etc. I just need to experiment with it is all, feel free to help :).
A few suggestions maybe for 1.5.1:

Error message boxes that pop up when the game crashes (this one is more for those who have never used a command prompt before)

An in-mission menu a la Prophecy...esp. useful while in a mission. I, of course, don't mean an advanced and graphically enhanced menu, just a simple one with options to exit mission and change settings (maybe not all settings, but things like mouse control, volume, and other non-graphical settings).

I know these things may seem rather low on the priority, but I wouldn't imagine they would take too long to create.
The in game settings menu is actually quite a bit of work. Especially because you can't currently pause, and pausing is actually tougher than you think.

And I'm actually pretty happy with error messages going to the command prompt. But really, if you can't learn how use a command line at all, I'm afraid modding and scripting might be too complicated as well. If you need help on the command line:

google dos command line

which came up with

This command line tutorial for example.

Really, I hate to be blunt, but a 2 second google on your part is much easier than a huge code rewrite on my part. Please take the initiative to google things that are not specific to Flight Commander, it's good for you in the long run. Learn to rely on yourself and not someone else to do basic google searches for you.