Feature add list for Flight Commander and question

Got a problem, the lua says this:

<name> expected near '$'

:the reason the $ is there is because it was recommended and the name in scripts is "$Joey". It is aggrovating me, and I have no clue what it means. Anyone explain it?
dofile "flightcommander.lua"

function Joey()
Ship_setForceEject("Joey", true);

that is my lua file
this is my mission.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mission name = "" sector="blue" can_eject="false" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="mission.xsd">
<navpoints number="4">
<navpoint numships="3" numwaves="1">
<ship name="midway" pilot="Midway" comm="midway" video="midway" autopilot="false" alignment="friend" wave="0">
<point x="1597.2222" y ="50.0" z ="41.666664" />
<point x="0.0" y ="251.0" z ="0.0" />
<ship name="tigershark" pilot="Maniac" comm="maniac" video="helmet" autopilot="true" alignment="friend" last_autopilot_nav="1" wave="0">
<point x="-12.0" y ="0.0" z ="-19.68" />
<point x="0.0" y ="92.0" z ="0.0" />
<ship name="tigershark" pilot="Joey" comm="maestro" video="helmet" autopilot="true" alignment="friend" last_autopilot_nav="1" wave="0" scriptid="Joey">
<point x="-12.0" y ="0.0" z ="-49.68" />
<point x="0.0" y ="84.0" z ="0.0" />
<script oncreate="Ship_ShipsetForceEject(Joey, ture);" />
<navpoint numships="4" numwaves="1">
<ship name="manta" comm="bug1" video="bug" autopilot="false" alignment="enemy" wave="0">
<point x="-42.737896" y ="0.0" z ="-96.16026" />
<point x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
<ship name="manta" comm="bug1" video="bug" autopilot="false" alignment="enemy" wave="0">
<point x="53.42237" y ="0.0" z ="37.39566" />
<point x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
<ship name="manta" comm="bug1" video="bug" autopilot="false" alignment="enemy" wave="0">
<point x="53.42237" y ="0.0" z ="-58.764606" />
<point x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
<ship name="manta" comm="bug1" video="bug" autopilot="false" alignment="enemy" wave="0">
<point x="-69.44908" y ="0.0" z ="37.39566" />
<point x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
<navpoint numships="2" numwaves="1">
<ship name="manta" pilot="" comm="bug1" video="bug" autopilot="false" alignment="enemy" wave="0">
<point x="168.32" y ="0.0" z ="-38.239998" />
<point x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
<ship name="manta" pilot="" comm="bug1" video="bug" autopilot="false" alignment="enemy" wave="0">
<point x="145.68" y ="0.0" z ="-41.44" />
<point x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
<navpoint numships="1" numwaves="1">
<ship name="midway" pilot="Midway" comm="midway" video="midway" autopilot="false" land="true" must_survive="true" alignment="friend" wave="0">
<point x="13.599999" y ="0.0" z ="-13.92" />
<point x="0.0" y ="0.0" z ="0.0" />
This is what's wrong
<script oncreate="Ship_ShipsetForceEject(Joey, ture);" />

See, the on create is supposed to be the name of your function. Not the code itself.
No, its the name of a function defined in your lua file. In this case it would be

<script oncreate="Joey" />

Look at some of my example scripted missions to see what is going on. Also, please read my scripting documentation page.
Cool, I'm full of questions, and I have even more! How do you mess with a ship's mesh? How do you make your own to make the question. I want to make my own ships.
Wow, I must sound like a moron, but where can I find some good 3d modeling programs? Making my own ships would be fun, but I don't know where to find the software.
Well, they can be quite pricy. However, you can get Blender, if you don't mind something as good as Mx, Maya, or Lightwave. You can download it at "blender.org".
To tell you all the truth i could care less if it is as flashy as a "hands-off" art museum. Thanks MajorCamKollent
May I have the source code to the game? I want to try to insert some of the prophecy high resolution movies into the game.
Umm, yes. Don't take this the wrong way, but you'd need much more programming experience to be able to do anything useful with the source.
Most all of the edits you are going to make can be done with the source code. Predominately, most of the things that RG even needs done are things like in-game menus (eg. simulator, fiction, etc.) and a few added features like leech cannons or a ship choice screen.

Oh...well I am posting I might as well add a few requests:

A camera look at follow function would work nicely for several of my in-mission camera scenes.

Some improvements on the killboards would be great as well (eg. different colors, scrolling capabilities).
Most all of the edits you are going to make can be done with the source code. Predominately, most of the things that RG even needs done are things like in-game menus (eg. simulator, fiction, etc.) and a few added features like leech cannons or a ship choice screen.

Oh...well I am posting I might as well add a few requests:

A camera look at follow function would work nicely for several of my in-mission camera scenes.

Some improvements on the killboards would be great as well (eg. different colors, scrolling capabilities).

You've already got all the camera look at's you need, right?
What I need is a way for the camera to turn and keep a particular craft in view. (as it is right now, I would have to use the look at interpolated and try to get the number of milliseconds right so the ship remains in view the whole time.

Oh and there is also an issue with the fullguns2d, how do I have separate fullguns2d images for different cockpits?