Fahrenheit 9/11

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Shipgate said:
[If this doesn't work then quite the fool I'll look. Hey it worked! Yep, there's my favorite fruit. But can I not put on a picture that's just on my hard drive? Does it need to be on the internet?

Use the "manage attachments" thingy - like this


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Michael Moore is the reincarnation of P.T. Barnum - Nothing more. If you go to F9/11 expecting some eye opening expose on the horrors of the Bush administration, prepare to be disappointed. If you are an avid reader of the news and look through both left and right wing newspapers, then you'll realize that this man stops at nothing to try and smear Bush. The movie is full of contradictions not only with many reliable news sources, but with itself! If you've ever read a book or seen a movie where about half way through you see something that doesn't jive with the rest of the book, then you have some idea of how this movie goes. The movie will be on one road and then quickly turn on a dime against some of the basic 'facts' or suggestions it had set down in the beginning.

As a fictional movie with a good relevance to today, it is a good movie. If it is touted as a documentary, it is vile. This is important because it is propaganda on disgusting level that reachs a wide number of people. Some of which, who aren't able to sift between the myths the film attempts to create and some of the facts that the film does remind of us, might be brainwashed by this type of sensory barrage that Michael Moore presents the movie in. I only hope that the people who do see this don't allow themselves to be tricked into summer movie mode of shutting their brain off and thus become indoctrinated.

If you are a member of the right - check the facts, and then go see the movie. You'll see that this guy isn't completely wrong.

If you are a member of the left - go see the movie, and then check the facts. Hopefully, if you remember your reaction to the movie, you will realize how easily you have been swayed into believing anything simply because you 'Hate Bush'.

Hate is just as easily manipulated as love. You are nothing but a pawn if you don't try to maintain at least a little bit of choice despite being a member of the 'Left' or the 'Right'.

Oh, and Aliens 3 sucked. Apples are the best fruit - ever.
antboy666 said:
...working-class populists see him as a smug, effeminate frat boy who wouldn't recognize a hard day's work if it kicked him in his self-satisfied ass, intellectuals see a simian-faced idiot unqualified to mow his own lawn, much less lead the free world...
Wait wait wait... I'm both of those things, and I don't think that at all.

So how do you account for me?

Also, here's a picture of a kitten. I intend to get some mileage out of this one:
Edfilho said:
You're right, I liked the fruits. And also Alien and Aliens. The rest just pissed me off.

so the reason this thread was created is pissing you off? also, this thread was supposed to be a discussion about the movie Fahrenheit 9/11, instead its turned into a pile of shit. If you want to discuss your favorite fruit or whether Alien or Aliens was better, go start your own thread. stop hijacking this thread, people get banned for that but apparently loaf cant be banned.
*Goes into PTSD*... Cat... did someone say cat... SCRAMBLE ALL FIGHTERS... KILL THOSE KILRATHI BASTARDS!!!!

...just kiddin... nice lookin kittin
Wait, did a CZer just threaten to ban me?

Fruit and Aliens are here because the entire self-aggrandizing chest-pounding internet politics discussion is so far into the realm of cliche as to be literally nauseating.

Look at me internet! I'm righteously indignant about [my side]! And if you're not, I hate you! Woo! The whole thing is *tired*.
Here's a Alien-related thought that's been getting to me for a long time: all this time they (The Company) has been coveting a specimen from LV-426. Enough to chase Ripley down in Fury 161. And then 200 years later, they go through all that trouble to clone her.
But they never thought about returning to LV-426?! I mean, the colony's dust (Or a cloud of dust the size of Nebraska <G>.) And there is still that alien Derilect laying around waiting to be found.
As much as i hate bush im not giving that lying son of a bitch one penny i must admit despite lies bowling for colombine was funny
Ultimatar said:
Does any WC buff remember their movement from mentioned first, I think, in WC2? Sure you do! Michael Moore and his ilk in Hollywood would be the Champions of that cause, IMHO, even against a clearly inhuman, bloodthirsty alien enemy. Oh well, I guess it takes all kinds, I'd just hope if the Kirathi actually conquered humans, that they'd take the Mandarin collaborators to the Gimle system and hunt them all first for being such traitorous, two-faced scum as an official "Thank You" from the Kilrathi Emperor for all their "help".
By the way Iceman, where was Michael Moore when Clinton was bombing ethnic cleansing maniacs in the Balkans during his term? Wasn't that a unilateral military action taken by the U.S.?
I swore NATO was in on that
TigerNobleHeart said:
Here's a Alien-related thought that's been getting to me for a long time: all this time they (The Company) has been coveting a specimen from LV-426. Enough to chase Ripley down in Fury 161. And then 200 years later, they go through all that trouble to clone her.
But they never thought about returning to LV-426?! I mean, the colony's dust (Or a cloud of dust the size of Nebraska <G>.) And there is still that alien Derilect laying around waiting to be found.

That would be much too easy - just sending a research team to commandeer the derelict. No, they have to send a commercial tug to pick up an alien and later a couple of colonist shmoes and even later some company underling. Nothing like passing the buck I guess.
Excellent Movie. I am just speechless right now I just saw it not 10 minutes ago. I am so enraged. I just don't know what to say. Iceman at least you and I are intelligent, to have an intelligent conversation. Guess what none of the footage on that movie is fake. It was all on a little thing that we all watch CALLED TELEVISION. I feel bad for our troops, the ignorance of the people. My mother was the same way about Michael Moore. But i was like Why? She had no argument, "Just that he is an asshole." Then I say out of respect for me and your only son, you will see this movie, she did hmm and her WHOLE opinion changed. I wonder why? Maybe because she actually had an open mind. And didn't change and OFF TOPIC POST, to a post about bullshit. This is why there are off topic posts to talk about things that have nothing to do with Wing Commander. NOT TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT OF THE POST. That is totally rude and dis-respectful.

I am not about to believe anything one person says without solid and utterly convincing evidence to back it up with little or no question; no one's word is solid. Not Michael Moore, not Rush Limbaugh, not the President of the United States. I'd rather do the research myself; I'd rather decide for myself instead of being fed information from Mr. Moore. The only thing concerning me right now is the possibility of myself or one of my brothers being drafted next year. I have been investigating that, and if my research points to that possibility becoming real, I'll be back in ROTC faster than the Colonel on the Kilrah bombing run...

However, Moore and I tend to see eye to eye. I'm just wary of believing what he says as his past works have shown he has a tendency to stretch, edit, hide and otherwise manipulate the truth for the sake of argument.

Always question, always suspect.
Thanks Iceman. I had heard the age would be increased to 34, but I might be wrong. Either way, there are so many rumors out there on this topic that I don't know what to believe.
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