Fahrenheit 9/11

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Hmmm, much debate here regarding the new Micheal Moore film. I understand that while not everyone may agree with his opinion from time to time, I have always watched his films and read his books (Stupid White Men is brilliant, incidently) with an open mind. The one thing that I find bothered about in this discussion however, is that whether you may find his views unpatriotic or damaging, no one can deny the fact that his movie was very, very close to not being released at all due to some rather shady dealings between Buena Vista Film Distribution and the State of Florida's Tax Credit Service.

No one can deny the runaround Moore got trying to get his movie out into the states (despite received the most prestigious award at the Cannes Film Festival) and I think that in itself should be a testament to the very nature of the film.

I'm not American. I am Canadian currently living in the UK, but I really don't like how things are being run in America. I don't think Americans should like it either.
Cashcleaner said:
I'm not American. I am Canadian currently living in the UK, but I really don't like how things are being run in America. I don't think Americans should like it either.
It satisfies me greatly to know that I defy this.
no one can deny the fact that his movie was very, very close to not being released at all due to some rather shady dealings between Buena Vista Film Distribution and the State of Florida's Tax Credit Service.

You jumped from fact to conjecture pretty darned quickly.

Disney also didn't put Pokemon 6 in theaters. I'd like to see people fight for that.
I can't imagine Disney wanting to release Moore's film, given all the crap they're currently trying to get away from. Michael Moore's take on the situation is that it had to do with the Florida Tax Credit Service, and that Eisner told him point-blank he didn't want to get in trouble with Jeb right before he hung up on him. Remember, this is Moore's story...
Moore knew from the beginning that Disney (via their Miramax subsidiary) wouldn't distribute F911!!11!!11one. If Disney was really trying to censor Moore (his claim), they would've bought the rights, and just let the final cut rot in some film vault equivalent of hell. They didn't, though; they told him that they wouldn't distribute the film, leaving Moore plenty of time to examine other options for distribution of the film, via another distribution company.

That, however, wouldn't give him another chance to play the "Dig Me!" game, and wouldn't have given him the media attention his ego apparently requires to keep from shriveling up like one of the rejects for those California Raisins commercials.

That's not terribly surprising, though. I mean, it's not the first time that Moore has ignored "inconvenient" facts for the sake of promoting his agenda.
Hmm. Maybe I could use that logic to justify me strangling wannabee socialists, as a "liberal interpretation" of laws regarding self-defense (of my wallet, that is). Just have to make sure there's a glove involved, and then I can borrow from Johnny Cochran (sp?) at the OJ murder trial.

Damn, that's sure tempting...
Saw the movie earlier today. Thought it to be very well done. Some things may have been over done but Moore's approach of looking at things which obviously just not right (most of our armed forces do come from the lower brackets of society).
My own view of things is along moore's although in some cases I might be a bit more radical (as kerry is no prince either).

I highly recommend for everyone to see the movie, it's going to make a lot of people think...
I desperately wanted to see Pokemon 6 in a theater. I took my little sister to see one each year for five years. An opportunity to do that again would have been a far better thing in the universe than a chance to jack off to the fact that someone stuck together news clips that either agree or disagree with whichever pathetically uninformed world view I decide is most important to put on when around the other monkeys.
I would have hardly called it boring...it has many moments which should make any human being mad at the world they live in and at least want to make some kind of change...

Even if you don't agree with a lot of the things said in the movie, the events which happen are real. These things go on every day around the world, while 1st world nations exploit the periphery to maintain their standard of living. Everybody atleast deserves a shot at their own type of freedom...
Naféasonto said:
Excellent Movie. I am just speechless right now I just saw it not 10 minutes ago. I am so enraged. I just don't know what to say. Iceman at least you and I are intelligent, to have an intelligent conversation. Guess what none of the footage on that movie is fake. It was all on a little thing that we all watch CALLED TELEVISION. I feel bad for our troops, the ignorance of the people. My mother was the same way about Michael Moore. But i was like Why? She had no argument, "Just that he is an asshole." Then I say out of respect for me and your only son, you will see this movie, she did hmm and her WHOLE opinion changed. I wonder why? Maybe because she actually had an open mind. And didn't change and OFF TOPIC POST, to a post about bullshit. This is why there are off topic posts to talk about things that have nothing to do with Wing Commander. NOT TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT OF THE POST. That is totally rude and dis-respectful.

OMG they sell television now!!! YEAH KITTYS ARE THE BEST!!! that sorta makes me feel bad for Tbombing Kilrah
TigerNobleHeart said:
Aww, how cute. I especially like that grey one on the top of the picture with the blue eyes. What's his name going to be? Melek? :cool:

Melek! Bwaaa haha ahaaaaha! Oh lordy! It's funny cause it's true. Good one dude!
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