Okay Shadow, you're just stupid, so here's the word on where you're wrong.
Wookiee Bowcasters: Incorrect. You didn't watch the movie correctly. I suggest you look online for images of the Wookiees in EP3, and then learn how to spell Wookiee correctly. According to OFFICIAL PROP MAKERS FROM THE STAR WARS MOVIE no Wookiee Bowcaster props were used physically or in CG. They use a variety of oversize and galmerous looking hand weapons. In fact, for those of us who attended Celebration III, a number of said props were on display in the LucasFilm Archives room. Also, there is a video avialable (maybe to hyperspace only members) that discusses the development of Wookiee weapons, including a pan across about 200 props used in the movies - again, no bowcasters amoung them. However, now that I am thinking this line of thought out more I realize the weapons used by the Wookieees in EP3 look alot sleeker and nicer then the bowcaster, which has a more "gritty" feel to it. And Lucas said at an interview about EPI he wanted the technology to look more old and underdeveloped in EP4-6 then he did in EP1-3, which fits with the Wookiees not using bowcasters. Additional source is the Wizards of the Coast minatures game, which has no less then four Wookiee minatures from EP3 in their Revenge of the Sith set, none of whom are armed with bowcasters.
Flaps on starships: I agree completely, any starship capable of entering an atmosphere could use flaps. Wait a minute...did we just say STARship? As in, for travel through SPACE? Additionaly the Victory Star Destroyer was, supposedly, the only capital starship made to enter the atmosphere of a planet, and it does NOT have flaps (though it does have aerodynamic surfaces to generate additional life). Personally, if I was desiging a spaceship, I wouldn't waste space room and mechanics on a part of the ship that might be used from time to time. A majority of Capital ships are built to fight other capital ships in space, not land on a planet. Exceptions include the Acclamator-class Troop Transports from EPII and EPIII, but I would like to point out, those are troop transports, not the Flag Ship of an assault fleet on an Enemy Capital planet.
Aldera: The images of Aldera come directly from previous concept art work by Ralph McQuarrie, if you are familar with this art work at ALL it is impossible to confuse that city with Aldera. The layout and buildings appear in the same pattern....only this time in mountains instead of a lake. My personal opinion is that this was down to differentiate Alderaan from Naboo, which makes a good deal of sense as I am not sure it was ever Lucas' intention to show Alderaan when he made EPI (Because the better thing to do would have been to show Naboo as mountains instead of Alderaan). However, if you notice, both Theed and "Aldera" sit atop sheer cliff faces, which confuses me to some degree and I don't paticularly agree with. It's like he wanted the two to be similar, but not similar. Make up your mind Mr. Lucas.
Two Senate domes: There's actually several establishing shots in Episode I and Episode II that should display a second dome if it was there. My theory original was that this was the home away from home of the senators or for visitng dignataries. I actually still support this theory, as there are only two bits of data to contradict this. First, the Chancellors office is obviously in the Senate Dome itself, as the room next to it contains the platfrom he stands on to speak, that rises up out of the floor. Second, Senator Amidalas apartment complex is a seperate building from this second dome. This leads me to a new theory, and that is that the second dome has a dual purpose. First of all it is a spaceport for incoming dignatries and VIPS, and inside of it has offices and apartments for them to stay at while they are on Coruscant. Obviously, not every senator could have an office in the Senate Building, but it makes sense for the Chancellor to. And while Amidala is still an important person on Naboo she is no longer queen, or a princess, meaning that she could no longer live in the Palace on Naboo and would have to maintain a home elsewhere. As she serves the Senate on Coruscant, Coruscant is the likely place for her to have this apartment. However, I hope that they do go back to EP1 and EP2 and work to establish that second dome into the movies, because there are several key shots that should include that do not.
Luke and Leia on Tatooine and Alderaan, respectively: First of all, showing these scenes were unnecessary. Secondly, the Tantive IV is somehow managing to cross the galaxy multiple times in the last half hour of the movie without ever entering hyperspace. Now granted, we don't need to see it entry hyperspace ten times, but they don't even do that once. It's just 10 shots of the ship arriving and departing various multi-colored orbs set against a starry backdrop. This gets a little bit bland. Thirdly, Luke standing on the embankment at the Lars Moisture Farm on Tatooine was symbolic. He was looking into the twin setting suns and wondering if there is more the galaxy. This fits with his character and with his heritage - he always wanted more. Owen Lars on the other hand, "didn't hold with [Lukes] fathers ideals." he thought that Anakin should have stayed on Tatooine and been a moisture farmer. Okay, so if Owen Lars is content with his destiny, and thinks everyone should be content to just be a moisture farmer, why is he staring away into the stars? That was probably the most offensive thing in the movies, to me. You took a sacred scene in Star Wars and turned it into a silly connection between two movies. How many people haven't had a moment where they've just stared off at something, wondering about Life? They destroyed Luke's character in EPIV and Own's Character at the same time.
Wiping the droids' memories: Only C3PO has his memory wiped. Go see the movie again. They both should have been wiped, IMO. And here's another thing. If C3PO was built by Anakin, then he was a one-of-a-kind model. There weren't 30 billion differant models running around the galaxy. Granted, most people on Tatooine wouldn't know the differance, but wouldn't Owen Lars? Or Beru? Maybe that's why she asks for one that speaks Boche...
Yoda: Sigh sigh sigh. You need to check your facts. First of all there is a missing seen from EPIII which has Yoda talkng to Qui-Gon Gin about the Whimm. Secondly, it's in the novel - making this fact line official to George Lucas. You want to talk about time? Yoda has had 900 years to Master the Force, and 800 of them were spent training Jedi. He had plenty of time to Master the Force. My problem is, Qui-Gon is defeated so easily he's almost insignificant, and Yoda manages to fight two Dark Lords of the Sith. There's something confusing about that, to me, especially when you think about the fact that Qui-Gon DIDN'T become one with the Force. Yet he's somehow a master of it? As for the cane bit, it still doesn't suit me. Looking back over some of the arguments on this thread I've realized that without the EPII fight the EPIII fight would have looke ridiculous, and without the EPIII fight we would have been wondering forever why Yoda never went to fight the Emporer and instead sent Luke. So I can accept the fighting but the can bit still bothers me a little. I think its because he's all CG in the new movies, and was a puppet before. And there was an emphasis on making the puppet look like he needed a cane where as in some shots Yoda doesn't even look like he has anything resembling a sekelton to support his body (But hey! It's Star Wars - maybe he doesn't!).
Swing Wings: I don't deny the exsistance of Swing Wings. I have a new quote to put in here, I don't know who said it. They said X-Wings and ARC-170s are meant to go together, and that "Lucas isn't Subtle." This is true. In fact, none of EP3 was subtle. It was a beat-the-idea-that-it-ties-with-EP4-into-their-heads-at-all-costs kind of movie. Which is where most of my objections to it come from. I think a litte more subtly would have gone a long way. ARC-170s are a great design, maybe if you took away their swing wings for the movie they would have flowed into the Z-95 design better. In fact, if you gave them all six wings, and made the smaller ones not swing, I can easily see how the design would have gone into the X-Wing as well as the Z-95. I don't think it was necessary to mimic the X-Wing almost completely for the EP3 movie, when theres still 20 years of history to cover.
Now, about Variable Geometry Wings. Swing wings are only ONE TYPE of variable geometry wings, Variable Gemotry Wings are the "wings of a craft capable of forming more then one position to enhance performance." Which means I was correct in calling them Variable-geometry wings. I never denied that they do exist, it's very clear that they do (And the term S-Foils is used three times in the movies, not just two, but since you didn't know the line I don't expect you to know when it gets said either). However, what is NOT used anywhere in the movies is the term X-Wing or ARC-170. Well, okay. I guess X-Wing might be used in Empire when they're talking about escorting the transports off Hoth. I'm not to sure. But the point is you can hardly consider those names canon if they aren't in the movie. As was stated early, in the script the fighter is only identified as the Clone Fighter.
In the Return Of the Jedi:
(After Luke cut Vader hand)
Palpatine: Oh Vader! this is the fifth arm you lose. What's your problem man!!
Vader also loses a hand in Splinter in the Minds Eye, and Mara Jade (The Emporers hand) later mentions that he also lost one to the Emporer (These were early EU attempts to explain why Vaders arm was mechanical in EPIV). Just an interesting bit of trivia, that would mean he actually loses 7 arms (Though your number of 5 is still correct in ROTJ.
Mace Windu Vs. Grevious
An argument has been made in this very thread, that it is your intentions not your actions that ultimately lead you to the Darkside. This argument was made to defend Mace Windus actions in confronting and nearly killing Palpatine. However, there's a hole in this theory. How does this jive with Anakin's actions? He sought to save Amidalas life, which was selfish, yes. But he also sought to preserve and defend the Republic. Remember, his intention was to have Padme become his wife, and "together" they would rule the Galaxy - as it should be. His intentions were for the good of Galaxy, not the tyranny and oppression of everyone. Granted, killing Tuskan Raiders and their familes was a darkside act, to be sure. But he believed that the Jedi had betrayed the Republic. The same with the Seperatist leaders. It was all in the defense of the Republic and the Galaxy. So someone tell me how that brings him to the Darkside - his actions may have been evil, but his intent certainly wasn't.