
I disliked the Bearcat too. It's very fast and agile but the guns were off-centered. My favourite is still the BANSHEE:cool:
I don't feel any of the wc4 fighters was superior. i always liked the banshee, but I always found it lacking some heavier guns (although that scatter gun did kick ass, it wasn't too accurate). I adored the dragon, but I would never call it a fighter, even though it handles like one.
What's wrong with the bearcat's guns though? I rather liked that little ship. It fell a bit short in armor and shielding though.
The abbreviations are cleared now, so to the question which Dralthi is the best looking:

Hard to say for me , they all look good in their way but for coolest look I choose the Dralthi IV or the Priv Dralthi.

Why I dislike the Hellcat: Trades 100 kps of speed, one third of the agility and 2 missiles when compared to the Arrow for versy dubious gains in gun firepower and protection but has only remote advantages over the TBolt in terms of agility and speed and vastly inferior guns/protection.

The Bearcat was on the paper a really ultimate fighter but I couldn't fly her: The off-centered guns were just too annoying.
The Priv Dralthi and the other Kilrathi ships looked very good. They more looked more 'metallic' than other WC kilrathi ships(even the poly ships).
Bearcat & Hellcat & the Dralthi of the Day

Yes, the Bearcat was pretty bland. Although I love my tachyon guns, the Bearcat just didn't make good use of 'em IMHO.

The Hellcat was very balanced!

I still say the Dralthi IV looked the best, with the WCM Dralthi coming in close second. Love those jagged edges!
I would like to see some new fanmade kilrathi ship types in the upcoming fan projects. That would be cool.
Yeah. The wcm ships really ruled, didn't they. Loved those Rapiers "Yo B, looked at these banged up rapiers":cool:
The broadswords were cool too. They all had that primitive look, wouldn't ya agree?

BTW loved the sound the rapier guns made. 't was like a combination of the wc4 mass drivers and stormfire gun.

I didn't like the WCM ships one bit! With the exception of the Dralthi, that vintage look completely strayed from Wing Commander's "27th century sci-fi," look. I was very displeased with it.

Also, what was up with Confed's Red Army uniforms? They looked more Soviet Communist than American Capitalist (per the games).

Oh well... I don't even count the movie as part of the Wing Commander universe, anyway. I felt it was that bad!
Re: Hmmm

Originally posted by Col.Dom
I didn't like the WCM ships one bit! With the exception of the Dralthi, that vintage look completely strayed from Wing Commander's "27th century sci-fi," look. I was very displeased with it.

Well, Roberts wanted another kind of feel for the movie. A WWII in space kinda thing, thats why everything looks so used.

Also, what was up with Confed's Red Army uniforms? They looked more Soviet Communist than American Capitalist (per the games).

By that time, the whole idea of America and Russia being seperate nations is complete nonsense. Everyone on earth is Confederation!

Oh well... I don't even count the movie as part of the Wing Commander universe, anyway. I felt it was that bad! [/B]

I don't even wanna say it again but the movie is canon whether you like it or not, it fits in the universe despite laspses in logic, etc etc etc...
Re: Thanks, Thymerlord!

Originally posted by Col.Dom
Yes, it sure was! The Hellcat V is the most balanced fighter Confed has ever rolled out with.

you gotta be kiding me, it had no jump, no anti-capship, ect. it may have been a decent dogfighter but nothing else
Re: Re: Thanks, Thymerlord!

Originally posted by Napoleon

you gotta be kiding me, it had no jump, no anti-capship, ect. it may have been a decent dogfighter but nothing else

I believe that's what made it balanced. If it had all those other things it would've have been a Dragon.
Re: Re: Re: Thanks, Thymerlord!

The Hellcat was a little *too* balanced, if you ask me. It had no feature that really made it memorable or fun to fly.

Best, Raptor
The Hellcat was terrible. Bad missile loadout, bad guns. The Arrow, a far faster fighter, had a better loadout and it was a lighter ship!
Hellcat: 420kps, 60/60/60 deg/s, 250cm shields, 100cm front/back armor, 80cm side armor, 96cm damage per salvo, 6 IR

Thunderbolt: 380kps, 50/50/50 deg/s, 250cm shields, 120cm front/back armor, 100cm side armor, 268cm damage per salvo, 6 HS, 1 torpedo, 1 turret (45cm damage per salvo)

Arrow: 520kps, 80/90/90 deg/s, 200cm shields, 80cm front/back armor, 60cm side armor, 96cm damage per salvo, 4 FF, 4 DF

Excalibur: 500kps, 70/75/70 deg/s, 250cm shields, 110cm front/back armor, 110cm side armor, 350cm damage per salvo, 12 IR

Now, what arguments do you have to back up that intelligent "HELLCAT RULEZ!" statement of yours?

Stay Power

It could spend more time in a battle than any of those fighters.

It has just the right touch of power & speed.

Enough armor for those of us with skill.

Missiles suck- real jockies use guns.

I have spoken :cool:
So you'd trade 20 extra cm of front/back armor, 20 extra cm of side armor, 172 extra cm of damage per salvo, and a turret capable of 45cm of damage per salvo for 40 extra kps of top speed and 10 extra degrees per second of P/Y/R ?!
(not to mention the missiles)
