Wilson was Crewman Rick Biessman in Star Trek Elite Force
David "Movie Tolwyn" played "Ra's Al Ghul" in the Batman: The Animated Series episodes Off Balance, The Demons Quest Parts 1 and 2, Avatar, Showdown and in the Batman: Beyond episode Out of the Past.
He also played Herbert Landon in the Spider-Man (90's) episodes Neogenic Nightmare, The: Part 4: Mutant Agenda, Neogenic Nightmare: Part 5: Mutants' Revenge, Sins of the Fathers: Part 8: The Ultimate Slayer, Sins of the Fathers: Part 12: The Spot, Sins of the Fathers: Part 13: Goblin Wars, Partners in Danger: Part 2: The Cat, Partners in Danger: Part 3: The Black Cat, Partners in Danger: Part 6: Awakenings and Six Forgotten Warriors Chapter 1