Casey's callsign

I liked Casey, really I did. He's like Luke in ANH. He's just this really nice niave, bland guy. So you can take him how you want. You can replace him with yourself, which is great.

Mark Hammil's first major part was just like Casey.
BattleDog said:
Mark Hammil's first major part was just like Casey.

Well WCP was pretty much the start of his career just as WC1 was for Blair. BTW does anyone remember what rank Casey got at the end of WCP after the last mission?
I think he starts the game off as a second lieutenant, and is then promoted to first lieutenant.

Best, Raptor
I know he started off as a 2nd Lt, he was promoted mid way through the game to 1st Lt, and I'm pretty sure he was promoted to Captain at the end of the game
According to the Secret Ops fiction, both Casey and Maestro are 1st Lt.s at the beginning and end of Secret Ops (promotions are hard to come by in the new Confed :) )

well that makes 2 of us eh :)

he just seems to be a pathetic little pleabe to me, no charecter he tries to hard to make every1 belive who he is
Lord_Nathrakh said:
He just seems to be a pathetic little pleabe to me, no charecter he tries to hard to make every1 belive who he is

Well he is a pleabe to most of the others around him. But I think its just because we havent seen anymore of him after SO in a way that hes basicly cut off short. Unless like we said before, they make another offical game.
actually, i was incredibly dissipointed that mark hammil wasnt the main charecter in prophercy, alsmost made me not buy the game.....

casey is in no way aas good as hammil
Lord_Nathrakh said:
actually, i was incredibly dissipointed that mark hammil wasnt the main charecter in prophercy, alsmost made me not buy the game.....

casey is in no way aas good as hammil

I wish Mark Hammil had more involvment in WCP too but I thought personally that it was kinda of a good "field trip" from him being the star (Even thow WCP ends up seeming as the last so far :mad: )

All I am saying is that how do we know Casey wouldnt be as good as Blair? I feel like we didnt get to see enough of him to fully know.
i spsoe so, but u only got to see hammill in 2 of the games, but u automaticly liked him didnt u? i know i did!

casey just seems to fall into his shadow
We had Blair ever sense WC1. Exept for the Privateer games. If your talking about actors then ya.

Corse we did have the guy that played Luke comon :)
Well, if only there were more WC games, we could see Casey grow. After all his dad Iceman, was probably just like him when he was fress out of the Academy
wasnt so much him being fresh out of the academy, i like mastro, hes good actually, i just dont like casey hes a bitch.

also a bit of irrelevant data..... u know the guy who plays the lead charecter in starship troopers? hes also in wing co 4 at the start sceen when hammil bordes the lexington