Casey's callsign

Maestro obviosly came up with his own callsign, notice he establishes who he is as soon as possible. As to Casey, I can live with Frosty, it grows on you.
well he looks like a little dweeb who got beaten up alot, u has the face ud just wanna drive a truck into, his acting is B-grade at best unlike hamills, and hes just a little bitch, hes gotto be there and cry over every1 and solve every1s problems.

well even if blaire did that, he didnt do it so annoyingly
I like Casey. He seemed like an overall nice guy, and so what if he wanted to help people and felt bad when his friends DIED. Why is that wrong? If anyone I didn't like Maestro, even though he was funny. He's a good character for a game to keep you entertained, but I'd want to hurt him in real life.
Mav23 said:
I like Casey. He seemed like an overall nice guy, and so what if he wanted to help people and felt bad when his friends DIED. Why is that wrong? If anyone I didn't like Maestro, even though he was funny. He's a good character for a game to keep you entertained, but I'd want to hurt him in real life.

Yeah I thought he was good also. I though they did a good job making him apear "new" and unexperanced, which he was. And as Mav23 said about how he felt bad when pilots under his wing died I thought it added depth to him and his roll. Making it more realistic considering the shock that anyone whould have if placed in that possition.
If they do continue the series someday with him and the others from WCP I hope over time they have him and his friends change and grow as they do with experiance. Just as we saw with the past games with Blair and the others he served with.

For Maestro I understand where your coming from. He reminds me alot of Maniac and im sure thats what they planned to do. But one thing I like about Maestro instead of Maniac is that even thow the guy is a complete goof ball he dosent let it get in the way and come off as a jerk.
I actually really like Maniac too. Well... WCIV Maniac at least. He went from Funny Jerk to Funny to Whiny Jerk.
Learn to type? why? that spoils the fun of allowing ppl to try to figure out my incoherant sentances.

i hated casey. maniac was portrayed like a whining loser this 1 to, i didnt like that, i hated stilleto, she wqas obviously recruited to the movie cause of her looks(which are average) not her acting ability.

basicly i didnt think the acting was as good as WCIV nor was the game, but thats just my oppinion