Originally posted by Ghost
Not all of them, and about the temple God himself or the messiah will build it. And what is that ''half of them'' things, you fullfill them all or not.
A thing to be a thing must fullfil all the things that describes them as that thing not half or a third.
No. Go back & read my post again.
--- The temple: God or Messiah Himself may indeed build it; I'm just pointing out that even now, there are human plans afoot to do so.
--- As to the regathering from the diaspora, you must realize that "all of them" is a relative term. If you wanna get technical about it, if there's even ONE Jew who's, say, a prisoner somewhere in Russia, and can't get back to Israel, then "all" will not be regathered. Same principle if you have a Jew who's perfectly comfortable with their life here in the US (or Brazil, for that matter), and has no desire to relocate to Israel. Under that concept of "all", IIRC that there will NEVER be a time when "all" will be true. You have to look at the big picture, and relatively speaking, "all " IS true: A hundred years ago, there was no Jewish homeland per se. Now, it is *there* for any pretty much any Jew who desires to (prisoners & such excluded, natch) to emigrate to.
--- As to the prophecies, You missed the point, which is that the other "one & 1/2" that I spoke of were predictions which have not as YET come to pass. Doesn't mean in the least that they are "wrong", since ultimately only time will tell.
In other words, they are not prophecies that have been PROVEN false, which is the 2nd category I gave (like so many over the centuries who have "prophesied" that the world will end on a specific date, and the date came & went without incident...). Comprendes?... As far as "1/2" a prophecy, I was treating the Regathering/Temple rebuilding as one prophecy, which was a mistake on my part (lo siento). I realize now, reading thru it again, that it was actually two separate prophecies. I apologize for any confusion this brought.
Again, Jesus call him, great prophet (and maybe the samaritans) not the jews.
OK, how DO Jews view John the Baptizer?...
And the 12 legions thing is proven? can be this figurative like you wrote in another part of this post?
No, I was just quoting Yeshua. This is what He said. He was being literal, but as I said, to have called upon that authority He had, it would have ruined the whole plan of salvation, so He did not do so.
Of course proben by the Church. (catholic, anglican or the others)
Um, I'm not clear what you mean by that response. Plz clarify...
I like how you said here is irrelevant but not is irrelevant what the people say in the first post.
And then they formed a new Kingdom, then if i follow your line of thinking, i should say that the christians will be conquered by the ''pagans'' and be lost like the 10 lost tribes and the jews will be the only ones who will endure?
Sorry, plz provide clarification of this response as well, so I can respond to it appropriately...
Originally posted by Farlander
This has always been the teaching of the Church, which was given its authority by Christ himself. I would therefore contend that the teachings of the Church are the commandments of God. If you wish a more "direct" indication, remember that Onan was
struck dead by God for "withdrawing."
You misunderstand the concept of spiritual authority as Christ gave it to the Church/St. Peter. The "upon this rock I will build my church" declaration of Christ to Peter (Matthew 16:18-20) refers not to
Peter as being the "rock", but rather, the "rock" is the
confession of faith that Peter had just uttered. It is indeed upon the rock of faith in Christ and in His gospel that the church is built, not upon any one man (Peter) or His specific successors (da Popes). Thus, Christ wasn't giving (specifically) Peter blanket authority to make whatever pronouncements he feels like, but was giving it to the church
as a whole. That Peter continued to be fallible and imperfect (Galatians 2:11-13) even
after Pentecost (though no doubt LESS so than he was before) is a powerful argument refuting the whole concept of Papal infallibility.
Anyway, if that position were true, then it would mean that all the "indulgences" that were sold to folks in the Middle Ages were valid, and all those folks who paid for them are now in heaven (regardless of their evil deeds, or, even worse, their unbelief & lack of faith).
Entry into heaven for a mere few pieces of gold. Wonderful. Profanes the entire institution of the church (which is one of the many reasons why Luther ended up leaving the RCC).
There is no direct indication with the Onan thing; in fact, the Onan incident is
completely irrelevant to this discussion, as you yourself hint at: Onan wasn't 'spanking the monkey', he was the first recorded practitioner of the "early withdrawal" method of birth control. THAT was his sin, and is why the Lord struck him dead.
Under the Levirite marriage law, Onan had a DUTY to his new wife & deceased brother to raise up a family for said brother, and he selfishly & sinfully refused to comply by "pulling out early". BOOM; he's toast.
Fair enough, but as a Catholic, the only propper course of action for her would have been to abstain from sexual activity when it might have resulted in her getting pregnant (or possibly altogether, if it were an exremely serious condition, I suppose). This is not open to debate in any way, if she had meant to comply with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Funny, I seem to recall her saying that the priests at her Church were cool with it (Prolly, I assume, since they knew it was a medical condition, and not the result of a "sinful choice" on her part per se - which, of course, is why MOST who practice birth control do so..).
What it may lead to is not the issue. The issue is that the act of oral sex is, in itself, contrary the natural, God-intended purpose of our sexual faculties. Note that some confusion of definitions is possible here. "Oral stimulation" of the male is, I believe, fine if it is a prelude to normal sexual intercourse, and if no semen is lost. For the woman, oral stimulation to bring her to orgasm is also fine if it happens immediately before or after sexual intercourse.
No, it is EXACTLY the issue, as I'm addressing it here anyway. I have to say I disagree that oral sex - and any "non-intercourse" sex activity (so long as is with one's spouse) is contrary to God's purposes for sex. I understand the importance of procreation here (and thus the RCC's focus on same), but a thorough read of scripture yields the fact that sex wasn't provided by God SOLELY for procreation:...
Read Song Of Solomon in the OT. You see all kinda talk by the lovers about their pleasure in one another's appearance and the fleshly joys of giving their bodies to one another, but not one mention of how either is looking fwd to being a parent in 9 months. The reason for this is to illustrate the beauty/importance of the God-given gift of sex ASIDE from it's procreative role. Sex is to be used to bond the couple closer together in love & intimacy in a way that nothing else can.
Anyway, you basically went on to support everything I said, so - thanx. Anyway, my POINT was to say that, at least in my experience, oral sex is usually just one course on the table of the entire sexual "meal" (the "entree" being, of course, 'regular' intercourse), and as such there is no sin, since whether before or after the entree, there is (the possibility of) "procreation" on the table.
Regarding married priests, experience with sex is not needed to convey the teachings of the Church about sex to the faithful. Furthermore, these teachings are set in stone - even if every priest and bishop in the world wanted them changed, it would not be possible to do so.
Really?... not even the "bishop of Rome"?...
Here again, we go back to the misappropriation/misunderstanding of church authority that I spoke of earlier. In any event, if priests could all be married, then most of yer Popes prolly woulda been married as well. As such, they likely wouldn't ever have come up with such an ignorant position in the first place, since they WOULD know firsthand what goes on in the bedroom with one's wife.
Also, the Catholic Church has many, many married priests.
Only those who were "grandfathered in" from other denominations (esp. Anglican/Episcopal/Orthodox) after they "convert" to RCCism. I'm talking about those who get to the priesthood the "usual way", which is to say, the majority of priests.
I disagree. Masturbation is sinful in any context because it seperates the use of our sexual faculties from their primary purpose. The situation may be likened to eating, I think. We eat and we enjoy our food. It is a fine thing to enjoy eating. But the purpose of eating is to nourish our bodies and keep us alive. So eating because you are hungry is good. Eating because you are bored is wrong. You must not seperate your ability to eat from the reason you were given the ability to eat in the first place. This would be an example of frustrating God's purpose in creating something - doing something according to YOUR will, and not God's.
OK, so how 'bout when a married couple is having a sex session, and part of the activity that goes on before intercourse is one or both 'spanking the other's monkey', so to speak (this is of course assuming that they then go on to have "sex as usual" - see responses above - and the possibility procreation is thus preserved)?... See again my mention above about the Song of Solomon.
And to use your other example, what about if I get invited to a banquet?... I just got back from the store, and have plenty of food at home (and probably tastier than is served at the banquet), so I wouldn't be going to the banquet to nourish my body, I would be going for completely "other reasons" than to nourish myself & keep my bod alive. Would my accepting the invite to the banquet then be "wrong"?... Seems under your analogy, it would be...