Okay! Now we're in business! I see that the FF's launched seem to all maintain the correct allegiance so far. Also that FF from last turn has maintained its Kilrathi blood this time through the phase changes, so here's hoping we finally nailed that FF bug.
I mentioned this over in Game 4, but I'll mention this now here in Game 5 because it is even more important for this game:
You'll notice that the field reports are now, in combat, displaying a 'Needs to hit:' value. This is the number that you need to roll >= to hit the target. I want you guys to pay careful attention to this number and what you end up rolling, because this Game 5 is our first test of the pilot skills. Note that the 'Need to hit' takes into account:
- Speed (of both ships)
- Range
- Ship's natural 'TR' value
- Barrel Rolls
- Missile Guidance (if applicable)
- Probably other things I've forgotten but should be predictable from the manual
HOWEVER: the pilot skills are
not factored into the 'Need to hit' number. Instead they are added to the dice rolls you see following. This means that
both the opponent pilot
and your pilot's skills modify the
dice. In the case where two pilots of the same skill go head to head, your dice number, should therefore be just a 1d12 roll. In the case where the pilots have different skill levels, the dice roll is made, both are added, so watch for the value to be on-average shifted by the difference. This is going to be tough to ensure it is happening correctly, but watch for it! See if it seems to be working.
While we're at it though, try to add up some of the 'to-hit' values for yourselves, and make sure they should be coming out correctly.