ORIGIN Saves the Day! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Chris Graf, Origin web guy extraordinare, was kind enough to point out that there's some exciting new content over at the formerly-empty WingCommander.com. It's been set up to help familiarize moviegoers with the Wing Commander universe! Check out the cool new movie pictures -- but head over to the actual site, you can use 'em as electronic postcards!

The Full Article Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Dundradal was kind enough to type up the MCV article mentioned the other day... check it out.
Wing Commander Movie Merchandise

Production house Digital Anvil, in conjunction with Creative Licensing Concepts, secured a lineup of merchandising deals for the upcoming Wing Commander movie.

Movie-related merchandising deals were made in conjunction with Creative Licensing Concepts. The items include: action figures and spaceships from X-Toys, which were shown at Toy Fair in New York; novels for adults and children from HarperCollins; a collectors magazine from Starlog; signed and limited edition art posters from Hasson Fine Art; masks and costumes from Cinema Secrets; children's bicycles and backpacks from Rand International; t-shirts and hats from Atlus Sportswear; and jewlery from United Cutlery.

Based on the game from Origin Systems, a unit of Electronic Arts, Wing Commander is being directed by Chris Roberts, the creator of the first four Wing Commander titles. Roberts also co-wrote the script for the sci-fi adventure film, which is slated to hit theaters from 20th Century Fox on March 12.

Austrailian Release Date Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Bad news for those of you who share a homeland with "Hunter" St. John - reports from several sources indicate that the Wing Commander Movie will not be released until September. This MAY still be subject to change, so if you're as excited about the movie as I am, I reccomend you start harassing your movie people.

Chasing Commercials Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Word from around the US is that Wing Commander Movie commercials will begin airing on local FOX affiliates on March 1st! For those of you still trying to catch a glimpse of the amazing advertisements, they've been reported as seen on the American Sci Fi channel and the Canadian MuchMusic - as well as those already mentioned.

The Webmaster's Tale Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

(Get it?) Anyway, Dan has posted a lengthy story about why his design for the Wing Commander Movie site was canned at the last minute. It's a sad story that basically proves what everyone's already known: FOX is evil. You can read this story here. For the record, I've seen two different designs Dan prepared, and both were far superior to what exists today. Although, on a similar note, I must praise the current webmaster for fixing several problems with dates that everyone pointed out to him... who knows.

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