WC4 Movie Index: Telamon

What the heck is this?

Hangar Bay, BWS Intrepid.

Pliers: What the heck is this? None of the others have one. Didn’t go bang: must have a separate detonator. <chuckles>


  • Source: WC4 DVD
  • Run-length: 00:42


Real beauties, ain't they?

Hangar Bay, BWS Intrepid.

Pliers: Real beauties, ain’t they? Wouldn’t even have to fly, I’d keep ’em around just to look at ’em.
Maverick: <chuckles> Well, I don’t think we want these to be museum pieces just yet.
Pliers: Nah, I suppose not.
Maverick: What’s this?
Pliers: I don’t know, yet. Hey, get a load of this. Finally, I can dig into something that’s state of the art. Oh don’t worry, I ain’t going to cannibalise these babies. See those intakes? It’s got a whole new power plant: matter/anti-matter, just like the ones running the cap ships. You know what that means? You don’t need fuel for an afterburn!
Maverick: The juice comes directly from the power plant.
Pliers: Exactly. Of course, that means that your guns and shields might take a little drain, but for short bursts of afterburners – ha! Imagine the speed. Just thinking about it gives me the willies. So kid, in your honour, I can have one of these prepped and ready in no time. Wanna take one up on your next op?
Maverick: Ever think the wrong side might try to shoot me down?
Pliers: Yeah! That’s a small price to pay for unparalleled speed and power.


  • Source: WC4 DVD
  • Run-length: 01:19


Let me at these babies

Maverick: What the hell, Pliers. Let’s give it a go.
Pliers: <laughs> You got it, kid.


  • Source: WC4 DVD
  • Run-length: 00:07


They could be death traps

Maverick: I don’t know, seems pretty risky. No one flies them till they’re fully checked out. Could be booby-trapped for all we know.


  • Source: WC4 DVD
  • Run-length: 00:14


Unmarked ships are attacking

Combat Information Centre, BWS Intrepid.

Sosa: Colonel. Colonel, SOS message comm’s just come in.
Civilian: If you can hear this, it might not be too late. Unmarked ships are attacking and many people are dying! We know planet FT957 is far from any other colony, but, if you have any Humanity, please, send help immediately! Otherwise, our world is doomed – I don’t know if this damn thing is working!
Sosa: I have the Admiral.
Wilford: Something terrible has apparently happened in the Telamon system, but we don’t know what. Now, you’re the closest ship I have to a jump point that’ll take you out there. Telamon is such a frontier system that their planets have retained their original discovery numbers, but it’s still part of the Border Worlds Union. All systems are equal in our eyes. Now, if there’s a fire to put out there, let’s do it.
Maverick: Plot us for Telamon. Admiral, any news of Captain Eisen?
Wilford: None, I’m afraid, but I’ll keep you posted if I hear anything. Wilford out.


  • Source: WC4 DVD
  • Run-length: 01:10


Mission Briefing (M1)

Chart Room, BWS Intrepid.

Maverick: Lieutenant. Maniac, listen up. All right, we’re going into a black hole here, people. Not the jamming kind, like back on Peleus, but an informational one. Now, FT957 has sent out a distress signal, and we don’t know why. We’re to sweep the area of hostiles and try to suss out the situation if we can.
Dekker: So you want to put me and my boys down on the surface then?
Maverick: Yes. I want you there because I’ll be landing too.
Panther: What?
Maverick: You people didn’t see that woman’s face down there. Something awful’s happened and I want to find out first-hand. Now, I want two wingmen to escort Dekker’s shuttle and return here once we enter a landing pattern. All right? That’s it then. Now, let’s be careful out there.
Panther: You got it!
Hawk: Roger that!


  • Source: WC4 DVD
  • Run-length: 00:58


Land on Telamon with Dragon

Planet FT957, Telamon system.

Civilian: I need two men… get your guns… the black ships are back… follow me… here we go! Hold it!
Maverick: Easy. We represent the Union of Border Worlds and Vice-Admiral Wilford. We’re here to respond to your SOS.
Civilian: That war-bird ain’t here for no SOS. The ones who did this to us, they were flying those.
Dekker: That is a commandeered craft, you idiots! Check out this insignia.
Civilian: Oh, well, it doesn’t matter anyway – you’re too late. There are only a few of us left.


  • Source: WC4 DVD
  • Run-length: 01:05


Land on Telamon with Vindicator

Planet FT957, Telamon system.

Civilian: I think it’s the Border Patrol, but bring your guns just in case. Come on, let’s go! Hold it!
Maverick: We represent the Union of Border Worlds and Vice-Admiral Wilford. We’ve come to respond to your SOS.
Civilian: You’re too late. There’s only a few of us left.


  • Source: WC4 DVD
  • Run-length: 00:45


It didn't take long after the bombs dropped

Civilian: It didn’t take long after the bombs dropped.
Maverick: Bombs? Well, this place is still standing… the airstrip’s in one piece… It doesn’t look like you’ve been touched.
Doctor: The attackers didn’t blow up anything, Colonel – they used bio-weapons.
Dekker: So, no offence, doc, but why are you still breathing?
Doctor: I’ve been asking myself the same question. What’s the pattern here? This is not random. The autopsies have been showing commonalities. Things like: percentage of body fat, bone brittleness, eyesight, sperm and egg count. Everything… genetically determined. What do you know about nano-technology? And bio-convergence?
Maverick: Bio-convergence? Well, it’s fairly new. That about covers what I know.
Doctor: Well, I think the attackers dispersed replicating nanobots into the atmosphere – billions of ’em.
Maverick: Nanobots?
Doctor: Yeah, think of them as computers – small as atoms. They get into your body and start a genome comparison of your DNA helix. If they don’t like what they find, they start attacking your RNA. Your cells… your cells stop replicating and then begin killing each other. Let me show you. Your body becomes a battleground, and in a matter of hours…
Maverick: <groans> So why aren’t we like… this?
Doctor: Thank your parents. The nanobots have been programmed to look for certain genetic characteristics: low body fat, good eyesight, and so on. My guess is they can be EPROMd to do anything. Any trigger in the DNA strand will do. You want to, er… you want to weed out the skinny folks in the world? People with iron-poor blood? You just tweak the code.
Civilian: They came out of nowhere – in unmarked ships. They dropped canisters like this.
Maverick: How many of your people were affected?
Doctor: I’d say 90%.
Dekker: This is a ghost planet now, boss. I’ve seen this a couple of times during the War. If the rest of these people don’t clear out soon, they’ll all be committing suicide in a year or so.
Maverick: Admiral Wilford will get a full report: I’m sure he will act appropriately.
Dekker: Hard to work out what appropriate even means, after you see something like this. It’s a good thing the Kilrathi never worked out this stuff.
Doctor: Colonel, thank you.


  • Source: WC4 DVD
  • Run-length: 02:55


Land on Intrepid with Dragon


  • Source: WC4 DVD
  • Run-length: 00:06


Land on Intrepid with Vindicator


  • Source: WC4 DVD
  • Run-length: 00:05


Light a candle

Storage Hold, BWS Intrepid.

Sosa: I wish I could light a candle for everyone on that planet.
Maverick: It’d fill up a space a lot bigger than this, that’s for sure.
Sosa: It’d fill up a whole planet. You know, in all the years of the Kilrathi War, I don’t think I ever heard of anything so hideous. Pinpoint killing of the innocent – the wrong DNA strand becomes a death sentence.
Maverick: It’s evil. There’s no other word for it.
Sosa: If I’d gone down to that planet with you, would I be dead too? Would anybody be lighting a candle for me?


  • Source: WC4 DVD
  • Run-length: 01:10


Been there, done that. Nothing in Axius

Combat Information Centre, BWS Intrepid.

Maniac: Oh, bad, ah…
Wilford: (Not long ago, we received a series of transmissions…)
Maniac: Well, I didn’t…
Wilford: (…secret data… to our enemy…)
Maniac: Ahh…
Wilford: (…now, our intelligence…)
Maniac: Where’s Sosa?
Maverick: What are you doing?
Maniac: Well, I’m a pilot – I don’t see a flight stick on this thing. Now, this message came in a few minutes ago and I…
Wilford: (We have a breakthrough…) Recently we’ve been able to link certain elements together. Perhaps we should have tumbled on this during our troubles in the Peleus system. But, looking at that again, along with your position when you recently ‘acquired’ those unmarked fighters, made us go back and examine other recent hot spots. Some complex triangulations have brought us to the calm at the centre of the storm, and its name is… Axius.
Maniac: Been there, done that. Nothing in Axius.
Wilford: Still an educated guess, when all is said and done. But accompanying this transmission is everything we have on the Axius system: it’s barren, unpopulated, desert planets… perfect place to stage a massive force. Now, we’ve picked up one report of a rather large capital ship moving into the system. Good luck in your investigations.
Maniac: <snorts> I’m telling you, it’s a wild goose chase. If you want to kill some time before things get hot – Axius, here we come.
Maverick: Not quite. Set our co-ordinates to the system closest to Axius.
Helmsman: Yes, sir.
Maverick: We’re not all going in until I see what’s there.


  • Source: WC4 DVD
  • Run-length: 01:33


Mission Briefing (M2)

Chart Room, BWS Intrepid.

Maverick: Yeah, I see ya. Maniac! All right, we’re heaving to just outside the Axius system because I don’t want to risk this entire ship. Makes me nervous when it looks like no one’s home. Lieutenant, what’s Wilford’s data tell us?
Sosa: Planets are uninhabitable: so forces would be space-based. But there’s a lot of comets, space debris floating through the system, so they would still have to be pretty mobile.
Dekker: With these new fighters, can’t you just go in guns blazing and take ’em by surprise?
Hawk: And with no idea of what’s on the other side, that’s typical marine tactics.
Panther: For once I agree with Hawk. We have to recon first – see what they’ve got.
Maverick: Right, right. Now, that’s why I want a pair of wingmen to escort me to the jump point leading into the system. They’ll peel off and I’ll go in solo. If I’m alone in one of their unmarked ships, I shouldn’t attract too much attention while I snoop around.
Panther: Do you know what wartime protocol is for captured spies, Colonel?
Maverick: Well, you only live once, right? All right, let’s go.
Dekker: Typical marine behaviour saved your fly-boy butt many times.
Hawk: Outside!


  • Source: WC4 DVD
  • Run-length: 01:10


I give you our esteemed leader

Black Lance star base, Axius system.

Seether: …we came from a life of hiding, many of us sought after some… murdered at the hands of savages. But one forward-thinking man – a genius, our benefactor, an equal – found us, nurtured us, and has given us the tools to fulfil our birthright as the natural rulers of the universe! Our operations in the Telamon system were a rousing success. I congratulate all who were involved. And, before we close, I give you our esteemed leader…
Black Lance: <shouts>
Tolwyn: Thank you. I am here, my fellow soldiers, to commend you on your valiant efforts. You – the Black Lance – will be Humanity’s first line of defence. Now, various enemies of the Confederation have already met with you: they know very well what you are capable of. Soon now, I can reveal your existence to all the Confederation, and you will get the praise which you so richly deserve.
Black Lance: <shouts>
Tolwyn: I also wish to extol the efforts of your great commander – a fine example of what the Genetic Enhancement program promises for the future.
Black Lance: <shouts>
Tolwyn: “The strong shall survive”: the primary universal law. The species that is weak, faces extinction. You know, not so very long ago our species faced extinction. Now the truth is – our victory over the Kilrathi was not a clear verdict of our superiority. It was a fluke, a temporary purchase of time. We will, someday, face an enemy far worse than the Kilrathi, and it is our duty to prepare: to remain strong and to remain vigilant.
Black Lance: <shouts>
Tolwyn: Even if that means, er… discarding certain elements. Or separating the wheat from the chaff. <chuckles> Now, in the Gen-Select device, we have a tool to do the job. We have tested it, and we shall use it!
Black Lance: <shouts>
Tolwyn: As you all know, the Border Worlds are an enemy birthing in our midst. They threaten our unity, our strength, our… Humanity. We all have a duty. My own is now with the Great Assembly, where I shall ratify the foundation that we have lain. When the moment comes, my fellow soldiers, you must fight, and fight hard. Thank you.
Black Lance: <shouts>
Maverick: Didn’t I rescue you, on Tyr VII?
Brody: Rescued only to become a prisoner. And now, they’re forcing me to create… I know who you are. If they find you, they’ll kill you.
Maverick: I’ve got a fighter waiting – if we can get to it.
Brody: No, no. Come with me. I know the way…
Maverick: Go!
Brody: No. Here, someone should see this. Go…


  • Source: WC4 DVD
  • Run-length: 09:48




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