You know you're a privateer when...

...When you challenge allycats to a brawl with "Hey, furface! Let's fight!"
And you scream "Now the fur's gonna fly!" if they actually take you up on it. :)
You look for the photon cannon switch on your steering wheel when some jerk cuts you off in traffic.

You accidently call your girlfriend / wife Tayla -- or ask her how much Brilliance she wants when she asks you to make a run to the store
When you ONLY go to the washroom if and when the game crashes, and,
on the way there, you wonder what you'll bring back to "maximize the run",
and look for the keyboard to press H every time you step through a door,
and periodically look at the floor, to check for asteroids coming up.

You accidently call your girlfriend / wife Tayla

<#whatever> ... or at least you would, if you could get off the computer from playing Privateer to go find a wife or girlfriend.

<# next whatever> You refuse to own a cat.
I was sitting in class last night, and someone said something really stupid (don't remember what).

I grinned and looked his way, then thought to myself..."Monkey boy, you make me laugh!"