You know you're a privateer when...

17) When you hear that "she has some nice stilettos" and you reply "I want to try 'em out! I can go so fast in 'em"
Sphynx said:
6.) When you get suspicious that Amish people are planning a violent uprising to overthrow technology.

(No disrespect meant to the Amish. I know a few of them, and they're great people, and boy do they know how to cook! Just take it with a sense of a humor and a grain of salt.)

Ahem, do you actually expect someone Amish to read this post on the INTERNET!? :)

Number...whatever. You might be a privateer if you ask the corner drug dealers if they have any brilliance...

Number...whatever comes after whatever. You might be a privateer if you've ever had an argument with your friends about the possibility that the Ford Taurus was supposed to have been named Tarsus.
Maj.Striker said:
Ahem, do you actually expect someone Amish to read this post on the INTERNET!? :)

Number...whatever. You might be a privateer if you ask the corner drug dealers if they have any brilliance...

Number...whatever comes after whatever. You might be a privateer if you've ever had an argument with your friends about the possibility that the Ford Taurus was supposed to have been named Tarsus.

Number...whatever comes after whatever comes after whatever... or so.
Or just simpler:
22) And after bunying the "Tarsus", you wounder why you can't install 2 meson blasters on it.
You might be a Privateer if... you are issued a Letter of Marque and Reprisal by the Congress of the United States.
24. You might be a Privateer when each time you enter an establishment you come over to the bartender/maitre'd/receptionist and ask "Any news I can use?"

25. ...when each time you see a public terminal (in big cities) you try to find some good paying missions
26) you flirt with every girl you see at a bar in the hopes that she'll give you a mission paying more than 10000 and that she might sleep with you. You are shot down each and every time for the corny pickup lines you try out.
Good call, Major Striker. I guess the only Amish people who would be on the internet would be the ones who are in the stage of "sewing their wild oats." Who knows, during that time they may get introduced to WC and the internet and find their way here. :) I like the Amish, so I just didn't want anyone to think I was being derogatory towards them.
who knows the number (i surely don't)

you might be a privateer if your every waking hour is dedicated to recreating and recapturing every little nuance of that kick ass game.

Brad Mick
You put a lot of effort into increasing the cargo capacity, speed, acceleration and firepower of your truck. (Or maybe it's just that you're Texan ^_^ )
you know when you are really a privateer when you are sat in a little sailing boat of the costa del sol dodging the local fuzz and being a million miles away from the computer.

You know when you have been playing on the pooter too much if you ever even though the above.
Sphynx said:
Good call, Major Striker. I guess the only Amish people who would be on the internet would be the ones who are in the stage of "sewing their wild oats." Who knows, during that time they may get introduced to WC and the internet and find their way here. :) I like the Amish, so I just didn't want anyone to think I was being derogatory towards them.
The Amish may not be likely to see it, but by God the Repair Druids will kick your ass if they find out (I think some of them are still hunting me).
Number here------> <----------

You are a Privateer when you just rammed two to twenty cars with your hold full of brilliance and have a bunch of Policeunits after yourself and you´re thinkin......

ahhh have to get docked or jump out to the next system to get them rid of me........ and drive into your garage...... ^^

