You know you're a privateer when...


You know your a privateer when, you find yourself trying to get in to the topless bars of some of the basses.

ps, why only 16?¿?
You know your a privateer when...

You know your a privateer when you try to explain that the patch you had professionaly sowed on to your leather jacket is from a video game. (Yes it's sad but true, I still sport the patch from Priv II on my jacket)


You say to Pizza Delivery guy after droping off your dinner (because you couldn't break away from your computer long enough to cook your own food)... "See you on the next run"
Maj.Striker said:
Ahem, do you actually expect someone Amish to read this post on the INTERNET!? :)

I don't know? I keep getting blown up by Retros flying armed spaceships. So an Amish exploring the Internet doesn't seem all that strange to me. ;)
when a pal asks you to borrow $5 for a sandwich and you say "I'm sorry, but I've checked your account, and you don't have enough credits to buy this sandwich. She sure is a fine sandwich, isn't she? Look, I want to make a sale you want to make a purchase lets look at the facts... I could use your wallet for tradeins... plus your cash on hand--that still leaves you short... Come back to me when you have more cash, and don't be embarrassed, these things happen!"

(they do happen?!)
-When you go into a drugstore and ask for Brilliance.
Damn, already there... then:

-When you frequently tell your cat: "You're as weak as a little girl."
When you cook a turkey and then declare "I will mount your bones in MY HALL"
and then staple the turkey bones to your hallway
When you just can't get that cute looking female bartender from the pleasure planet out of your head... did she just wink at me?... yes, yes she did! she winked at me!
when you're playing WC1 and Todd "Maniac" Marshall "by mistake" shoots you *again*
and you yell "You Maniac! The guild will hear about this!"
When you play the Privateer Remake and the new armor-hit sound actually makes your spine tingle after all these years
When you get up at 7:00, get on the computer to play Priateer, get off at 9:00 'cause you have to go somewhere, get back at 4:00, get on again 'till you have to leave at 5:30, get back at 11:30, and the first thing you do is get on the forum and post in this thread...I'm addicted to the Remake :)
(racked up over 200 kills today. Great fun...)
When you teach yourself phyton just to mess with this thing :)

(doing assault shuttles now, the idea is to make them launch marines who go attack bases)
cool :-) python is not a bad language for learning-- you're person number 3 to learn it for the sake of modding my engine...

actually I hate python :-( because it's not strongly typed like java or better yet ML
but it's all we've got now...and there are tools for helping out :-)
When the slashdot alarm rings at 7:00 am and you check to see that indeed
curl | grep -i Vega | grep -i Strike && mplayer ~/media/mp3/*
in your cron job actually worked on the first try
when you look for the button to activate your cars' tractor beam when riding down the road and spotting a hitchhiker and already counting the money you can make when you sell him as a slave at the next petrol station

when you just had two beer and before you pour down the third in one, you say loud and clear in a crowded bar "Defending myself against you gets expensive and I'm on a budget !"
...and you accidently toss the already ordered and served fourth one over the green glowing handy from the guy sitting next to you

when a chill runs down your spine when you meet some guy who introduces himself as Sandoval in a bar in Detroit on a rainy day

when the dewy-eyed cop says "Let me know if you hit trouble in my quad"
and you sneak away with pockets full of contraband

when you think that all fat-ass-cigarr-smokers should risk their own life doing dangerous cargo-runs

when you think "would she put away the nail file and leave her office desk unattended for some nice minutes?"

when you still wear a leather jacket when everyone goes to space

sorry for my bad english, I'm from Germany
(Never been to München or the Bodensee, will have to check the "Cats" there by chance)
When u say:
"I dont mind that u tried to kill me. But defending myself against your Ship gets expensive. And i'm on a Budget"
That Intro was great ;)