Unknown Enemy
Well, there's all sorts of issues here that need thinking about. I think this is an important enough thing that it's worth spending the extra time on it (not just for the sake of freedom of choice, but also because it's people we're talking about rather than cattle - it's one thing to let the player sell them as slaves, it's entirely another to force him to).MamiyaOtaru said:From the fiction side I can see a few problems. If you tow someone in and are informed you will be scanned, you can let him out and get past it. But what if it's a kilrathi you have towed in? Fiction wise, letting him into the cabin would be pretty bad.. If we wanted to complicate things, not being able to release enemies would solve the issue of simulating a mad kilrathi in your cockpit. But would confed get mad if you had a kilrathi in your hold? Slavery is illegal, but could you convince them he is a "prisoner?" What if you are enemies with a faction that confed is friendly with? Can't let your prisoner out, and confed will be mad. I guess that's what you get for not being aligned perfectly with confed.. blargh
I'm afraid, however, I'm gonna have to take the easy way out on this one, and tell you that I don't have enough time to provide solutions to all these issues . Like I said, this whole thing is important enough that it deserves a solution of some kind... but there won't be an easy solution, and I'm kinda busy with other things, such as Standoff.
Still, there are three things I'll point out, to both make things easier for you and to complicate things further .
1. The player character is armed and dangerous, and most likely smart enough to disarm and bind his enemies even when he's not keeping them in the cargo hold. So really, the "they might attack you and take over your ship" thing only applies in two cases - the Kilrathi (arguably, a hostile Kilrathi might be a difficult challenge for a single person), and the Retros (but do Retros even eject?).
2. Even a friendly Kilrathi would be something of a hot potato. I don't think there's any indication that Confed has scanners sophisticated enough to distinguish between a cat and a human, so that's not the problem - what is a problem, is the fact that you obviously can't release a cat on just any old planet.
3. If I capture a pirate, Retro or cat with no intention of freeing them, and I let Confed know about it before they scan me and detect 'slaves' in my hold, will they take offense? Quite the contrary, they'll probably congratulate me, ask me to dump him (so that they can pick him up - which doesn't need to be shown), and probably even give me a reward.