Wc3 Glitches

Melek is the best damm cat of all.
Malek did not kill blair because it would serve no purpose, after all he was the Heart of the Tiger, remenber the propecy "one that have the heart of a kilrathi but is not kilrathi born.." Melek was always a pratical cat in my view, what he would gain by killing blair, nothing...
Before "Malek did not..." I put "I did not.." my mistake

[Edited by Dragon on 01-12-2001 at 00:05]
Earthworm: If Confed continued its assault the cats would fall into place behind someone. Civil wars don't tend to last long, when a common adversary threatens.

joncaleb: Melek gave his reasons for killing Blair. And the ending was fine. What did you expect? Tolwyn to read out the conditions by which the Kilrathi surrender? Finally it said on the back of the WC3 box that WC3 would conclude the tumultous chronicles of the Terran-Kilrathi conflict. A sequel in which you're still fighting Kilrathi wouldn't make any sense after WC3's closure.

Dragon: " **I** did not kill blair because it would serve no purpose"
Hmmmm. Having personal identity problems are we? ;)

"Melek was always a pratical cat in my view, what he would gain by killing blair, nothing..."
Can't argue there.
A large portion of the Kilrathi fleet was destroyed though, and with the panic and confusion running around now that the clan leaders and the Emperor were killed, it would be easier to wipe out the cats.
Oh, did I mention those two dreadnoughts, and all those ships on the front lines? Yes I think I did. The Kilrathi fleet was *not* out of order. It's just its newest elements that were wiped out.
And as for panic and confusion... clan leaders were not dead - in every clan, there was some heir out on the frontline, if only because that's the only honourable thing for a Kilrathi nobleman to do. So, clans are fine. What about overall authority? Melek declared peace, and they all listened. Ergo, he has authority. Had he declared that they will continue fighting, some might have resented this peasant ordering them around, but all would have followed.
As for the Clans, which heirs? And which Clan should lead? Also, while the Kilrathi did have a significant number of ships, I would guess the Emperor had called in his finest Flag Officers to command the units that made up the fleet that was mostly destroyed at Kilrah. I do think they could have continued the fight, but humanity would have had a clearer advantage, at least for a couple years. I know humanity was losing, but I never heard for sure what the shipyard status was. With the extra time, the yards could have come on line, and with the momentum of the Kilrah bombing, morale would imporve, etc. Sort of like Momentum in sporting events. One team gets a few lucky breaks and things seem to start going their way.

I'm not sure how many of the Kilrathi clan leaders who did survive stopped fighting because Melek said so or because they wanted to build their own forces up, take the throne and return to fighting (see FC.)
Wow Quarto... The clans listened to Melek's surrender? Then what was False Colors about? Melek didn't have the authority to surrender, he was not nobility. He saw a chance to seize power and took it. The Kilrathi can not submit to one not of the blood. This pissed many of the remaining nobles off, who then continued fighting, or fought amongst themselves with the eventual plan of killing Melek. Basically Melek's a Imperial ass kisser who stole the throne and managed to dishonor himself, and therefore the Empire by surrendering to the confederation. Any self-respecting, honorable Kilrathi would have killed himself before being the one to send a message of surrender to the Confederation.

STOLE THE TRONE, what are you thinking man, that after kilrah was space dust that was what 20 dreadnouts around...most of the kilrathi fleet was under major upgrades in the shipward there, and most of the nobles could not just take the trone...Kilrah was the center of the kilrathi culture were most of the nobles clans lived and killed.the ones that subvive was minor noble clans that had no real power,besides Melek clan was the closest thing to the emperor clan and what did he do? made himself emperor? no he made the assembly of clans.
And a kiss ass, the emperor was all, nothing more to the kilrathi.
One might recall that Thrak was kept around the Emperor most of the time, but I dunno if that meant the other nobles did too. Uh, I think I can answer my own statement: "Khasra and my cousins shame me..." whinge whinge whinge etc.

Anyway, without the novels, I've only seen Melek in the FMV, and he always seemed like a cool cat to me. So don't go dissin' my pal Malloc, ahem, I mean Melek. Heh heh.

Back to glitches, has anyone tried clicking return to game after the game has finished? When you get to the Victory and check out the killboard, it lists everyones kills from the 'previous' game, including their status. (From this I've discovered the last wingman with you in Kilrah can survive, the others kark it.) Of course all the 'required' cutscenes exist, whether the pilot is alive or not, and it was fun to play thru the whole game a 'second' time, even without some of the pilots. "Really gonna raise my kill score here." :)
The clan leaders were probably on Kilrah -- they're either there or nearby in the novels.

Melek was *not* the closest thing to Emperor -- he was Thrakhath's assistant, so him taking pwoer was akin to a secretary taking over a large company after the death of the CEO. This is why a lot of Kilrathi werne't happy with him after the war...
TC: I know that not all of them listened to Melek, but it is obvious that most did at that time - otherwise, the treaty wouldn't be worth the paper it was written on. Yes, afterwards the various clan leaders may have decided to start ignoring Melek, but when he called for surrender, they *did* listen. Had he called for further fighting, they also would have listened, if only because it gave them a chance to make heroes of themselves (thus making it easier for them to seize power).

Shane: In a feudal system, the line of succession is always very well defined, so there would have been no question as to who's next in line. Of course, there would have still been a lot of duels, but at the end of the day, the clans were not leaderless.