Originally posted by Earthworm
Uh, Starlight, there weren't that many carriers around at the WC3 time. That's why carriers like the Victory were put into service...
Dude, where'd you came up with numbers like that? Confed is huge, but it's not that big.Originally posted by StarLight
involving something like a million (too much?) terran planets (inc border worlds etc humans at least),
100,000 carriers? What were you smoking? Like LOAF said, there were small numbers of carriers between the two sides, but Confed lost couple of it's carriers during the first battle of McAuliffe, and than it didn't get any easier towards the end of the war. While there were many more smaller capships (destroyers, cruisers, frigates), the whole fleets of the Confederation and Empire didn't have that many ships.with something like 100 000+ carriers and then more support cap ships
2 million pilots and marines? The training for pilots and marines takes a lot of time, and only a small margin of people who try to get into the Fleet, will actually make it.with over 2 million pilots and marines, and about the same on the other side
No, it doesn't... It's just that you came up with unimaginable numbers, from God knows where.to use an analogy, what your saying makes the war sound like vietnam (not so big a war as some) compared to my original thought of something as big as World War II.
That depends. The Kilrathi had several different dreadnought classes during the war, but towards the end, only few of them. If you'd take all of the dreadnoughts the Kilrathi had it would be much more than 2 or 3. Also, Confed didn't have that many.Originally posted by Antman
Also, here are some more accurate numbers (i think)
Dreadnaughts 2 or 3
Fleet carriers 10 - 12
Carriers about 36
Try thousands. Frigates/destroyers/cruisers/corvettes/transports, and many other ships made up for thousands of ships for both sides. Mainly because they could be build much faster than Carriers or Battle ships.smaller craft about 100