Wc3 Glitches

You see, my squidgy friend, some people punch the escape key to get past the briefings, thinking you just have to do the shooting and the rest will take care of itself. Not everyone takes the precious few seconds to glance at the mission goals or the nav map since that would be too much trouble. If we read a little more, there would be much less complaints. But hey, everyone likes to hear other people complaining, don't they?;)

Personally, I think they got it right on losing paths with infinate waves. After all, what would be more fitting for someone who just plays for the shooting?:)
i like the breifings...

i enjoy the movie part of the game. its what, i feel, sets it apart from some of the other games... (although prophecys' script was pretty weak). i know im supposed to cloak, but i thought that was after the 4 reappearing SOB's. hobbes is the first one i see when i jump in from the refueling station. when i leave the refueling station, before i jump, am i supposed to cloak then?

a cadet...
*For all future referance* Hehe, yeah right.
Check when you get to Nav 3. There is a Kil destroyer and two waves of Darkets and maybe some 6 Strakhas. Do not Go on to Nav 4 without your cloak. Read you Nav map, It will say "Cloak before entering, Laddie". Last time I cloaked after I took care of the Darkets and steamed towards Nav4.

Are you flying the Navs in order? The Thunderbolt (Lord Ralgha nar Hhallas), is at Nav 4...you head to Nav1 from the depot.

One other thing, it may go without saying, but don't fire off the T-Bomb as a regular missile, it really doesn't make a good missile anyway. You do need it at the fault line to win the war, however.:)

[Edited by Death's Head on 01-10-2001 at 02:02]
Ahhhh the T Bomb... For fun I once fired it at a Dralthi and the bomb blew it away. Har har. Then I tried it on the depot and it had no effect. Another time while in the trench I fired the T Bomb through a mountain at the target and it hit. IIRC it had extremely long range. Is it at all possible to miss with the T Bomb?
Out of curiosity, has anyone else except me tried to fly all of that final mission cloaked? The first time I played WC3, I didn't know that I just have to cloak before Nav 4 (but I did know about the infinite waves, hence my caution), so I flew the whole way cloaked. And since you can't kill people while cloaked, I spent a lot of time flying manual... ;)
Out of curiosity, has anyone else except me tried to fly all of that final mission cloaked?

I did! It took a long time to complete the mission that way, but I like it because that way, I would be able to take on Prince Thrakhath and his cohorts at full strength.

What I like to do on the last mission is cloak after launching from the station, fly to the first nav point, send my wingman away, point the ship in the direction of the next nav point, and turn on the autoslide feature when the ship has reached its maximum afterburn speed. In the past, I had concluded that if there was nothing to stop a moving object in empty space, and autoslide causes a ship to move in one direction at a certain speed that doesn't change, then perhaps a ship that is able to autoslide could sustain maximum afterburn speed without consuming too much fuel by enabling autoslide after that speed was achieved. I'm not sure if it actually works in Wing Commander III and Wing Commander IV, but it definitely works in Wing Commander: Prophecy and Wing Commander: Secret Ops. I do not claim to be the sole possessor of this knowledge.
A lot of people know about that autoslide trick, though I must say I've never bothered to try it. Always seemed to be a bit like cheating, to me.
it worked, thanxs...

it worked, i finally got to see the damn kilrathi surrender, although, i dont think they would have, personally. i think the cats would have killed blair and then maybe later surrendered to confed. but the game still kicked ass.. now on to WCIV!

Kill Blair? Not only would it stand against the Kilrathi honor, Confed citizens and press would be screaming bloody hell if the pilot that ended the war would be killed.
Killing people isn't without honour. Killing someone you've taken prisoner is much more honourable than imprisoning them, or letting them go. Imprisoning destroys the honour of the one who was captured, letting a captured prey go is a sign of weakness. Kilrathi aren't allowed to honourably submit to one not of the blood.

TC is correct. The Kilrathi honor is comparable to that of Imperial Japan. Both cultures had to change, however, to survive. Blair was unique because he had attained a certain level of respect. Had he been captured before the bombing, he would have met a warriors death. The only way I see Melek finding no honor in killing Blair is that he thought him to possess a Kilrathi warrior's spirit.

I could be wrong, but I'm no cultural anthropologis-not that you'd need to be.:)
Originally posted by Death's Head
The only way I see Melek finding no honor in killing Blair is that he thought him to possess a Kilrathi warrior's spirit.
Or, as Melek so nicely stated it, killing a warrior that brought down an entire race would do him no honor.:)
Except he's wrong. Killing a great warrior would give him great honour. And Melek isn't exactly the best person to be using as an example of Kilrathi honour.

Kill Blair? Not only would it stand against the Kilrathi honor, Confed citizens and press would be screaming bloody hell if the pilot that ended the war would be killed.
What exactly do you mean? Are you implying that Confed citizens would pout and say, "Well fine, then we don't want peace with you Kilrathi scum"? :)
Because, you know, even with Kilrah and most of the fleet around it destroyed, the Kilrathi were still winning the war, and, if I recall correctly, had at least two dreadnoughts...
A large portion of the Kilrathi fleet was destroyed though, and with the panic and confusion running around now that the clan leaders and the Emperor were killed, it would be easier to wipe out the cats.
Originally posted by Death's Head
The only way I see Melek finding no honor in killing Blair is that he thought him to possess a Kilrathi warrior's spirit.

another reason for "heart of the tiger"?
i would have...

if i was Melek i would have ripped his heart out, just as they had done Angels. She would have died a Kilrathi death and that would be that. The game ended way to quick on that thought too. should have been a sequel out after that, before the border worlds conflict where you got a chance to fight some remaining Kilrathi. i somehow expected a bigger cut-scene at the end too. ya know, not just "boom, we surrender"...
