Some models...

So, does this one actually have the thrust to get somewhere in less than a week, or is this Lynx as declawed as the Cutlass was gutless? :p
I remember someone mentioning it over at hard-light. Guess the Cutlass had a very poor engine in it LOL
Couple more models:
Light cruiser Nova , some Fralthi, Tallie and FS2's Hecate. I was thinking something on the lines of the Savannah.

Armada's Banshee, I had to some personal interpretation on it. I didn't want a Demon clone and the original had some really weird mesh designs, the sails, how the wings were barely attached to the hull (probably meant to fold up) and the fish nets on the wingtips. The wings are meant to rotate like the Vampire's engines, but the freespace engine doesn't support thrust vectoring like the Vision engine can, but it's ready to go if needed.

Very nice, as usual.
Any chance you'll be putting some more of your stuff into Saga? Not necessarily for the campaign, but at least for use in custom missions once the SDK is out?
Very nice, as usual.
Any chance you'll be putting some more of your stuff into Saga? Not necessarily for the campaign, but at least for use in custom missions once the SDK is out?
Outside of some table editing/tweaking (i'm terrible with that), they should be ready to go for saga. Course there is texturing differences, what I'm using now evolved from what I used for Saga. Ship sizes should be similar unless I made a mistake (I know the epee is too big).
The Olympia, one of Lar's designs. A frigate with a full hanger (I was aiming for a coast guard setup)

Peagasus, one of Aldo's models scaled down from a fs2 destroyer to a bomber size.

and the Cougar, from the earlier post
Are those renderer thingies, photoshopped montages or a ingame FS2 skybox in the background?
If those are skyboxes: GIEEEEEFFF LINKS NAO!!!
Sorry they're just pictures. LOL I just noticed the last one still has the creators logo on it, "MOTHER EARTH BY WILLIAM....."
Finding good pictures is kinda diificult, majority of the good images have the sun coming up over the earth which makes light rendering worthless.
The Cougar [from the concept picture]


Kris [named after the type of dager] A combination of the Piranha and some real life fighter jet I can't recall the name.
Well the cougar looks somewhat similair to the Bearcat. Not to sure on the design of the Phantom. The Kris cockpit area looks a bit like the F16 front (albeit shorter and not so pointed). Fine work as always Scooby.
Well the cougar looks somewhat similair to the Bearcat. Not to sure on the design of the Phantom. The Kris cockpit area looks a bit like the F16 front (albeit shorter and not so pointed). Fine work as always Scooby.
The Cougar was the Bearcats name when it was still a concept drawing.
Found it... the SEPECAT Jaguar
Right now I'm working on something special ;)
after that I'll be upgrading the Piranha.
Well the first of Cybot's models got used. I used his model as a template and rebuilt everything more or less based on it. Like Torgo this is another texture massive model, just so much surface area.

Measures in about 1.5kn tall and 3.3km diameter. There's still a few things I would like to add, including independent repair docks


That's indeed amazing! Love it already!
If you finish that one in the next four weeks I will definitely use it in my mod. I need a station like that to... well, basically I will blow it up I guess :D