Quality Assurance Version 1.0

What do you use for the movie ..
you should be able to get a 800*600 movie running smoothly on a machine like mine 2 Ghz +Nvidea hardware..

by the way .. you could use anim8or for the movie/cutscenes.. it's a freeware program and not much less than 3D studio !!!.. atleast not for what I use it for..

about the radar screen .. it wil look better if you'd draw the blips first and then the crosshairs(green) translucent over them.. it will look more like a real scteen then .. try it ( and maybe translucent HUD crosshairs would be nice too)

by the way: I'd really like to kidnap a pirate *just blew his escape pod to pieces*
arel font: just use ariel font for HUD and use times for the base then :-)
As for making communicating ships white...we'll see...not sure I know how...communications are for 1 frame, and the speech goes on because it's a separate thread

as for stopping evasive maneuverse...you can edit ai/events or ai.easy/events and take out the barrel roll command for each (replace it with turn away) that should make it easy

if you feel like sending us your hacked AI feel free

the firing rate was measured with a stopwatch from the game I believe
I had used Camtasia for the recording. The vid used to be alot choppier; however, I have had no time or the resources to redo any of the work. I am hoping to be able to at the least get another version of it, better quality and not as choppy, by the end of this week at the earliest. Its not something of a Core need to the game, but its a rather fun little addition I thought.
How to decorate your own ship:
go into units/tarsus/
notice the jpg images
to make one that only apperas for your ship...copy them to

then you can edit the privateer specializations...
you can see an example of this in the units/talon/ folder where I give each faction its own talon skin
aries said:
1 I know it isn't Xwing..
it was just an example of what I had in mind.. such slow firingrates make it hard to hit something..
maybe it's a good idea to make an upgrade option for your guns ( increase firing rate)
Firing rates are straight from the original game. If you don't like them, maybe a remake of a different game would suit you better. As for an upgrade that increases firing rate, the gun cooler from Righteous Fire does just that, but it wasn't available in the original campaign. Beyond that, you can certainly edit your personal copy of the game to do exactly what you want.
bachmaniac said:
can anyone please remove this terrible race strips painted on the tarsus? the tarsus is an old "wreck" and no "fast and the furious" toy for kiddies... :-)
"Stripe" does not equal "Racing Stripe". It is simply a stripe. Fast and Furious is a stupid movie (and cultural fad), but it's hardly a reason to disallow stripes on anything. Not to mention it is madness to try to appeal to everyone's individual aesthetic tastes.
johnCordell said:
When you've autopiloted to an object you can turn the autopilot still on but it doesn't do anything (you don't fly any nearer)
And what are the bad effects of this? it harms nothing. In fact, it is rather useful. Autopilot does not always face your ship in the right direction (for whatever reason) so it is nice to be able to press it again to orient yourself.
aries said:
how about an option to paint your vessel in any color(s) you like ?
I saw that in a game once ..
Fire away. Since we don't want to reimplement paint, you'll have to do it with an external editor but you can make your own skin. To make your own Tarsus skin, go to privateer/units/tarsus and copy the textures, adding privateer_ to the beginning. Example: make a copy of body.jpg called privateer_body.jpg. Edit it as desired. Your ship will use that scheme.
maniac said:
Btw can i add pictures in this post if i dont have my own webspace?
Try taking a minute of your life to register.
aries said:
What do you use for the movie ..
you should be able to get a 800*600 movie running smoothly on a machine like mine 2 Ghz +Nvidea hardware..
And what would you suggest? Making the fps twice as fast so the video finishes twice as fast as the audio? If there are a limited amount of frames (there are) it won't run "smoothly" on a Cray supercomputer. It is not a performance issue (except perhaps on the machine used to capture the video from the original game).
Maniac23 said:
even on "easy" mode the problems are still the same:
The "avoid fire routine" which gets active as soon as the talon is demaged
makes the talons turn in so quick circles that you can hit them only by chance.
On easier modes, civilians do not emply the barrel roll as an evasive maneuver (though the military does), they only evade side to side or up and down. Granted, that is still harder to hit than when they play sitting duck and don't evade at all (and the military is always hard to hit.)

So you can take Hellcat's advice and try replacing all "evade up down", "evade left right" and "barrel roll" with "turn away" in the ai or ai.easy directory (depending on your difficulty level).
MamiyaOtaru said:
Firing rates are straight from the original game. If you don't like them, maybe a remake of a different game would suit you better. As for an upgrade that increases firing rate, the gun cooler from Righteous Fire does just that, but it wasn't available in the original campaign. Beyond that, you can certainly edit your personal copy of the game to do exactly what you want.
"Stripe" does not equal "Racing Stripe". It is simply a stripe. Fast and Furious is a stupid movie (and cultural fad), but it's hardly a reason to disallow stripes on anything. Not to mention it is madness to try to appeal to everyone's individual aesthetic tastes.
And what are the bad effects of this? it harms nothing. In fact, it is rather useful. Autopilot does not always face your ship in the right direction (for whatever reason) so it is nice to be able to press it again to orient yourself.
Fire away. Since we don't want to reimplement paint, you'll have to do it with an external editor but you can make your own skin. To make your own Tarsus skin, go to privateer/units/tarsus and copy the textures, adding privateer_ to the beginning. Example: make a copy of body.jpg called privateer_body.jpg. Edit it as desired. Your ship will use that scheme.
Try taking a minute of your life to register.
And what would you suggest? Making the fps twice as fast so the video finishes twice as fast as the audio? If there are a limited amount of frames (there are) it won't run "smoothly" on a Cray supercomputer. It is not a performance issue (except perhaps on the machine used to capture the video from the original game).

hmm about the movie ..
I didn't know the movie was captured from the original game ..

you could make a movie + sound in anim8or .. and you can even use the 3D meshes/materials from the game.. or try OpenFX if you want a more professional 3D animation program..(but the last one is rather complicated)..

If you want I could give it a try but there are better 3D animators than me (I'm more a coder)
It is a rather low priority, as most people will only watch it once. But, it could be fun for someone to do. There are people who like making animations. If someone was so inclined, this could be a fun one to make.

Since dumpshock is planning on geting a better grab, it may not be entirely necessary.
Dumpshock said:
If I were to get ahold of the models, I could give it a try.
(Amateur Animator and modeler) ^_^;
The models come with the game ;) mesher.exe ./modelName.bfxm ./modelName.xmesh bxc That will also create an .obj, which can be loaded by and converted to most anything.

A capture of the intro movie with better FPS would still be nice though ;)
spiritplumber said:
Racing stripe, upgrade, adds 5 to your max speed, cost 10000. Hehe....
LOL. How about r-type sticker, spoiler, coffee can muffler, NOS bottle for 50,000: adds 5 to your top speed and lowers your relations with Confed, Militia and Merchants :D
Well, when I get my computer back into running condition and retrieve my monitor, work on that I shall... I know where I need to improve upon it and if anything I could only really see an improvement in the framerate. That which I gave to you was the last of my testing vid's I had been working on before I lost my computer. X.X
hmm and one other thing..
an answer would be nice when asking landing permission .. not just a docking clamps indicator....

just the same as with other communications .. see/ hear someone talk to you..

like clearance granted.. or sometimes denied...

Is there a guide how to change the ai and which files i have to edit ?

I will try to edit the scripts but as my understanding of programming itself is
VERY basic ( basic in the literal sense) I fear that i will not get very far unless the ai-editing with the different script orders is quite easy to do which
per definition would seem to make them quite limited indeed.

I will probably not be able to start it before i end my internship on March 22.

Best regards maniac23
AriesNL said:
hmm and one other thing..
an answer would be nice when asking landing permission .. not just a docking clamps indicator....like clearance granted.. or sometimes denied...
Doesn't it give you a text answer of some sort? It would be easy to add voice, it's just a matter of where it comes from. Finding someone who sounds like what we have already (or getting people to be cool withhaving something that doesn't sound the same) is the trick.
maniac23 said:
Is there a guide how to change the ai and which files i have to edit ?

I will try to edit the scripts but as my understanding of programming itself is
VERY basic ( basic in the literal sense) I fear that i will not get very far unless the ai-editing with the different script orders is quite easy to do which
per definition would seem to make them quite limited indeed.
"Easy" is not the same thing as "limited." C++ for example is not more limited than Assembly, though most find it somewhat easier ;)

The files you want to look at are (like we said) in the ai or ai.easy directories. Look in the events subdirectory, open up the files there in notepad, try out the changes we suggested. That should be quite easy. Further changes might require a bit more explanation.

Those files are all XML. More complex AI scripting (with Python) is possible, though the stupid AI of Privateer is served well enough with the XML (since people say they do too much already hehe)
MamiyaOtaru said:
Doesn't it give you a text answer of some sort? It would be easy to add voice, it's just a matter of where it comes from. Finding someone who sounds like what we have already (or getting people to be cool withhaving something that doesn't sound the same) is the trick.

nope .. I just see the dockingclamp indicators... that's all

would be nice if you could see and hear someone talking .. like the ship to ship communications..

has to sound the same .. hmm wel let some nice girl with a sweet voice do the talking *grinn* capture some frames of her .. give it a green overlay .. ;-)

hmm if she's cute .. would be nice if you could meet her .. ( I really need a girlfriend errm...)