Quality Assurance Version 1.0

Here is the proof *g*


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They don't use it everytime (maybe some Gothri's don't have a gunner ;-) )
Anyway some use ist and I've bin hit often enough.
In 1.0 pre5? But if they have a mounted turrent they should make use of it... btw. i'm missing Paradigm and Kamekh fight groups patroling around the blockade points or border kilrathi systems.
Ow not really a quality issue but related to it..
A tutorial / manual for campaign/mission/script writers would be nice..

it just speeds up knowing how to do it..

and I can write nice stories/campaigns ;-)
awesome..we would love to have someone who'd write campaigns..we're working on a campaign verifier and will eventually have a campaign editor...it's not too terribly difficult

check out modules/campaigns.py for how the privateer campaign works
it's a big mission tree... with some of the leafs being CampaignEndNode(priv) to show that it's a misstep that ends the campaign...

ship floating in mid air and verry small something goes wrong here..


and here's why you should turn the hud lines off in outside views..
this is UGLY

and put some lights on that miningbase, make ik more alive.. maybe some searchlights.
and put some lights on that miningbase, make it more alive.. maybe some searchlights.

Yes, thos "comsats", that where added with the PrivR enhancement patch final, could akt as sorce for those (moving?) searchlights.
Or maybe some blinking positionlights around the dockingports.
I don't know if this is possible but it sure looks cool.

after a fight with a pirate I did a basic repair but my hull plating didn't come back ...

so I thought just buy some new plating...
as a result my hull was completely gone ...

strange things hapen in space *LOL*
To clarify: If you want to repair your hull, select it and press the repair button that appears. Basic repair is only for things you can't select, such as cockpit instruments afflicted with static.

In that light, we might want to rethink the description of basic repair, which makesit sound like technicians scour the ship and repair everything they can find (last I checked). Might also want to lower the price, since it is no longer a fix everything, but simply a fix verything you can't fix yourself (which isn't much).
MamiyaOtaru said:
To clarify: If you want to repair your hull, select it and press the repair button that appears. Basic repair is only for things you can't select, such as cockpit instruments afflicted with static.

In that light, we might want to rethink the description of basic repair, which makesit sound like technicians scour the ship and repair everything they can find (last I checked). Might also want to lower the price, since it is no longer a fix everything, but simply a fix verything you can't fix yourself (which isn't much).

Instrument Repair?
MamiyaOtaru said:
we might want to rethink the description of basic repair, which makesit sound like technicians scour the ship and repair everything they can find (last I checked). Might also want to lower the price, since it is no longer a fix everything, but simply a fix verything you can't fix yourself (which isn't much).
I agree. After flying a few mission in my Centurion and taking a slight beating in every one, individual system and armor repairs cost a reasonable price. After all that was done, Basic Repair cost 32000 credits. That's more than a little steep if you ask me.
Ow and when using the autopilot..
it would give a nicer picture if the camera is somewhere behind the ship having the ship AND the destination in view.. or also nice (saw that in F18) put the camera somewhere ahead and let it stay there for a while keeping the ship in view until ship and destination are both in view for some time ..
looks really nice
Afterburner Sound
If you don't have an afterburner and hit "tab" the sound also plays, that shouldn't be.

Altered Ship Images
The ships image when you want to buy it is displayed in the correct ratio but in the cockpits target monitor the height is altered. So if you want to have ships displayed correctly in the target monitor you have to save them a little bit streched in height but that will make them display streched in the buying screen as well, so one of both should be fixed.

"explosions are always loud...as for armor--that should fade out too"
Other ships armor and shield damage sound doesn't fade out, only weapons fire does.

Do missiles run out of fuel? I remember in the original when i was trying to escape from them with my afterburner they sometimes nearly got me but then ran out of fuel and you heard a *plop* sound.
Some things

Here are two thigs I found out that should be polished

1. Other spacecraft communication.
I've been wandering the Troy system for a long time.
Maiking money fast with some cargo from helen to hector and back...
Once in a while a lot of ship spawn in the system and when I say a lot I mean at least 15 to 20. When this happen the "casual" communication you receive from other ships begin to be ... quite harassing... you're trying to look at your Objective and then switch your navigational controls so that you target your next objective (for patrol) but you receive 3 "is business treating you right" or "good to see a friendly ship"

This gets on my nerv quite a bit!

2. Mission should have a title or at least a better description.


  • priv.jpg
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Now I have been playing Privateer Remake 1.0pre5 for a while (haven't got out from Troy system yet, though) and after getting used to the hi-res graphics and stuff different from the original, there's few things:

- Screen full of colourful garbage every time I start the game. Radeon 9600pro and official Catalysts 5.01.
- Shouldn't ship be aligned away from the planet or station which I'm leaving?
- I'll have to repair whole ship before I can sell anything, don't quite make sense? Like tractor beam must be polished and like new before I can sell armor etc.
- Autopilot should take me closer to the destination, like 9000 klicks or so instead of 15000.
- There should be some kind of flashy effect when my shields are taking hits, I usually don't notice that I'm under attack from behind until my rear shields are down and hull is taking damage! This was one major annoyance in the original Privateer too.
- Energy system feels a bit unbalanced compared to the original, afterburner takes all the juice in a second and decreasing shields is useless because it won't give any more energy etc.
- Pilot rescuing missions are impossible to complete because there's always one pirate near who will shoot the pilot and I have absolutely no chance to get there in time because of the ridiculous distance.

Then some less important things:

- Intro sequence would be cooler if done with the game engine :-)
- After activating autopilot there should be similar "traveling" sequence as in the original, current fixed 3rd person view makes me feel like I'm going nowhere :-)
- Stations and planets don't respond when I ask clearance for landing.
- Communications menu should close and return to previous screen after I've done my comm selection.
- Jump engine fuel indicator should be blank if I don't have the engine like in original.
- Afterburner should be completely non-functional if I don't have it.
- Where's all the dangling wires and burnt electronics in the cockpit when my ship is a wreck?

I also liked the old simple nav map, this new one feels too complicated and all. But guess I'll just have to get used to it :-) Otherwise, dang good work! Can't wait for possible 3D-cockpits and even better graphics and effects etc. :-)
Repair droid should work fine--it takes a while.
garbage: so what?
alignment: perhaps that would be a good idea...I don't see a huge problem with having to turn around
repairation is required--get a repair druid [sic] ;-)
In the original I remember autopilot taking you 15000 klicks
shield damage...a good idea but I'm currently not sure how
energy system: measured from the original...lowering shields with s and shift-s boosts energy as intended
some people can manage to beat them :-) get a fast ship like a centurion

privateer also had some sort of fixed cam lookin at your ship--anyhow that effect has caused too many problems in the past to have me wantin' to change it
you can make selections without going to the menu once you've memorized it
afterburner doesn't work when you don't have it...pressing tab will take you to full speed though