He's joking about forgetting to make it. It's in there...really! To unlock it, all you have to do is destroy both the Snakier in Ep 3 and the Hakaga in Ep 4 on Nightmare without losing any wingmen.
the best part of this sentence is the "all you have to do"
I have to say, I'm not sure which I'd say is the most over-rated - i agree that the wc1 rapier is miles ahead of the wc2 one (time, ravage etc)
I certainly can't say the broadsword, because while it handles like a pig, it flies like a tank, the number of times i limped away manning the rear neutron turret to slaughter chasing cats.
I have to admit that I have never flown the bearcat - i spectacularly manage to NOT end up getting them in wc4 every time i play through.
Hellcat simply isnt over-rated except by that wierd group who love it, its underarmed, slow, unwieldy and frankly the arrow is better in most areas and the tbolt makes the rest!
The Dragon is anything BUT over-rated - it's barely hyped until you get it, when you realise that frankly the thing is indestructible - seether's mine trick is a farce, you could detonate kilrah behind you and not get a dent in the armour!
The vampire and shrike both blend into generality for me, the vampire handled wierdly (which i didnt line) and was too flimsy, and the shrike was heavy and fun but not as good as the devastator - so maybe the vampire was overrated
I love the idea that the epee could be a superfighter at all, its better than the ferret - but only because it has two screens (god i wish the ferret had a second screen! those things explode almost immediately you see the enemy, i swear i think the drakhri have a "detonate ferret display" button
i wasnt excited by the crossbow, it wasnt as good as it was claimed, but it wasnt bad, it was just there
Morningstar though, thats easily my second favourite ship - fast, reasonable armour, good shields and best of all, the most over the top weapon of all - the nuke - i mean seriously, how can the morningstar be over-rated, it has a nuke!
Lastly, who claimed the hornet was awesome - seriously, it's a light fighter - noone can honestly believe it's amazing?
So i guess it comes down to vampire and crossbow, the vampire i guess i didnt like, not because of the hype but because it was just weak. The crossbow i didnt like cos it wasnt a broadsword! so maybe it was overhyped.
then again, whats the definition of over-rated here, im assuming the games claiming that things were great (shut up rachel, the excaliburs just a bit poo)