my thing is this. if they're going to add in a bunch of stuff that isn't true to the original in the actual remake, it ceases to be a remake. it is now something totally different and should thus be called something different.
i unerstand where you're coming from Pete. The point is, if you're going to make a remake....make it a TRUE remake. Not a remake that hints at, or has 95% of, make it the full 100%. Just like Mamiya nit picked the crap out of my models until they were 100% to the ingame shots, they should expect that die hard fans that know privateer really REALLY well are going to nit pick all the little inconsistancies. Especially from me. Privateer was my first real introduction to serious sci-fi gaming. It changed my life, it's whats made me dedicate my life to the pursuit of recreating that initial experience, and even whats driven me to want to make my own games, and when i learned to model, do something WC related. anyway, it's a dead horse. near as i can tell, no one wants a true, 100% authentic remake. or because of coding limitations, or engine limitations, aren't concerned with it. i'll just go back to modeling, and keep my mouth shut or something. no matter what i say, it makes no difference.
Brad Mick