Militia Paradigms?

Well... are we SURE ISS and Militia aren't, just, talking about the same thing?

Remember, ISS had jobs against pirates in WC 2, that's most of what the cut scene chatter was like. That's what the "Militia" does in Privateer. They are both policing. And a militia unit would respond against Kilrathi the best they could, too. Just like Blue Hair did in Wing Commander 2. Think he didn't get donut jokes from the pirates he bagged, or the Confed pilots that came through the system?

Militia, ISS... just seems so much like a semantics issue when the two are seen doing the same thing.

The coast guard is an example of the police force because that is how a police force would have to function in space - they are intercepting other ships and getting involved in illegal conflicts between other ships.

A militia would need to do more than rescue one or two pilots, but probably tow, and respond to bigger problems that those various bases like refineries, mines, and such would have.

And if they are a police force, there's differant ways modern police forces are structured. Some towns are so small they can't operate their own police or fire departments - they have special districts shared between 2, 3, or 4 towns, and sometimes these are setup by a whole county. Some of the systems in Privateer are so rinkey-dink, they would need a capital-ship logistically to get it done. Maybe not a modern destroyer, but something bigger than a shuttle or large fighter/bomber craft. Something so a fighter could remain on patrol and on stration, and something to control the larger freighter traffic criminals can muster. Got to be able to make a blockade before a smuggler can be a blockade runner.
Another minor bug

motti said:
My problem with all this fuss is as unlikely as it is that a militia has a capital ship, it is still more unlikely that space is sooo void (;) ).
I can fly through 3-4 systems and not ONE ship (except pirates and kilrathi) turn up and this is something I don't think is in the idea of a Confederation that has populated dozens of system.

I just met two paradigms in New Detroit (two!!), who didn't even launch space fighters to fight 6 dralthis. And guess, one jump to Perry and you will see the capital of Confed-military void of any ships, except Kilrathi... that's scary in a way..

Perry is the one "safe" system -- you should only meet kilrathi, retros or pirates if they are mission enemies there.

I should have noted this in an earlier bug report, but I'm off my duff now.
"There is a reason we separate the military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, and the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, the enemies of the state tend to become the people."

Sound familiar? ^^
Adding point...(kinda weird to talk about a ficional setting with such seriousness...hehe)

ISS - In-System Security: A division within the Confed military to police inner Confed territories (duh)...the present day US Coast Guard would be the closest.

Militia: Same thing with ISS, but not funded or sponsored by the military or the Confederation government, because most militias are existent in fringe region worlds? (A militia is basically a military organization ran by civilians, responcible for imposing and maintaining law and order by themselves.)

Who knows?

Nobody from Origin said it quickly enought before it was vaporized, so we'll never know.

Hence, the chance is now at the hands of the remakers ;)
In game...

I was just playing Remake, and the barkeep *never* uses "Militia", always InSys, and if I remember right, the original never had the barkeep say InSys. In the game, when he talked about InSys patrols, it meant "Militia" blips.

Or maybe the original had the barkeep say "Militia"?
I think it's the same thing... Gemini as a sector seems to enjoy some more independence than other sectors, so maybe the Militia there takes the role that ISS would take in other sectors -- the difference in naming is due to, say, where the funding for them comes from. Maybe it's a bit like the state of Texas having Rangers, you don't find them in other states, but they do more or less the same job as state troopers -- only with more teeth. It might be an early-stage-of-colonization political quirk that was grandfathered in.

In WCU, the Militia (when present) will have a corvette (I was thinking the WC1 Venture) as a capship and, occasionally, draymen with "prison transport" liveries if I can get around to doing that.
I wish I could contribute something constructive to this mess, but instead, I think I'll just point out that it's an egregious break in logic to suppose that Gemini has more independence than other sectors which we've never seen from a civilian perspective.