Mark Hamill (lots of topics)

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Yeah, Fisher and Hamill did Jay and Silent Bob, but so did George Carlin, Adam Carolla, Jason Biggs, James Van Der Beek, and Matt Damon. Are their careers rock bottom, too?
Time Runner, which was really bad but meant well. It features one of the most enduring images of Hamill ever. He's got a gash on his forehead, toting a shotgun and a duster jacket and looks like he hasn't shaved in two weeks.

He puts his hand out to this girl and goes "Come... Come on lady... I'll get you to... a hospital!" and his hand shakes. He looks like he's suffering from MPD.

Chris Blair said:
Man, with the exception of Harrison Ford, it seems that all the careers of the Star Wars Universe's Main Characters are now downhill...

What about James Earl Jones? Or Ewan McGregor? Or are you not counting the prequels?

James Earl Jones, though a terrific actor, isn't a main character. Hell, he wasn't even mentioned in the credits until 1997. And we have yet to see the full effect of what the prequels are going to do to the main actors, though seeing as all of them (even supporting characters) have made their marks in the movie biz, it's doubtful that it'll be downhill after Episode III.
Sycorax said:
Of course, Fisher and Hamill did cameos in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. I mean, if that's not rock bottom, then what is?

Don't you dare Diss Jay and Slient Bob Strike Back, that is a GREAT Movie

ChanceKell said:
Yeah, Fisher and Hamill did Jay and Silent Bob, but so did George Carlin, Adam Carolla, Jason Biggs, James Van Der Beek, and Matt Damon. Are their careers rock bottom, too?

Matt Damon was also in two other Kevin Smith movies, Chasing Amy and Dogma
Jay and Silent Bob, I should get around too seeing those movies. Let me finish my Chiang Kai-Shek essay for Asia IR first.

Whatever happened to the lady who played Mon Mothma in ROTJ? She did play one of the most pivotal characters in the SW universe... AND I DEMAND MORE WEDGE ANTILLES!!! Coolest pilot ever, next to Blair, of course.
LeHah said:
I think you mean Jones wasn't mentioned in Star Wars (he was credited in ESB/RotJ) until 1997. That was his own choice; he didn't think his voice work merited a credit in the end titles.

No, actually, his name wasn't posted in the credits or ad campaigns of any of the original movies.

AdmiralHuang said:
Whatever happened to the lady who played Mon Mothma in ROTJ? She did play one of the most pivotal characters in the SW universe... AND I DEMAND MORE WEDGE ANTILLES!!! Coolest pilot ever, next to Blair, of course.

I believe the woman who played Mon Mothma is mostly a stage actor, though she's done a few roles on TV and film. And don't forget that Wedge plays a major role in the Expanded Universe, including the X-Wing series that is about his command.
ChanceKell said:
No, actually, his name wasn't posted in the the credits or ad campaigns of any of the original movies.


"James Earl Jones supplied the voice of Darth Vader, but specifically requested that he not be credited as he felt he had not done enough work to get the billing. (He does receive billing in the 1997 "Special Edition".)"

It specificly cites Star Wars. He was listed in the following movies's end credits; I have the VHS tapes from the mid-80s to prove it.
I recently checked out the original trilogy just to double check, and it seems that we're both partly wrong. James Earl Jones wasn't listed in the credits for either Star Wars or Empire Strikes back, but he was listed as a supporting character in Return of the Jedi. I believe you were thrown off by the fact that it was only posted in the original Star Wars trivia section.
There was talk about a Rogue Squadron cartoon series but I haven't heard about that in months. A live action series isn't very fesible; the last TV show about fighter jockies in space didn't last all that long. :(

The cast list for Rebel Strike has yet to be listed on IMDB.

Further note: Lucasarts has canned the Full Throttle sequel they were working on for undisclosed reasons.
LeHah said:
There was talk about a Rogue Squadron cartoon series but I haven't heard about that in months. A live action series isn't very fesible; the last TV show about fighter jockies in space didn't last all that long.

Which show would that be?
I didn't mean to dis Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, but Will Ferrel was in it for god's sake. I just don't think mainstream actors should be in JSB movies, especially when Hamill shows up as Cockknocker.
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