How did Hawk know about Casey's father?

Well, lemme rephrase that:
99% of the brazillians who live illegally in the US entered the US without visas.
And the americans usually call illegal immigrants "illegal aliens". even if they're earthlings.
Edfilho said:
Back to the subject:

I still think it'd be strange to have both willford and panther in the Raid to Kilrah... They would be probably dead, especially Wilford, considering he would probably be on the bridge. And you all know what happens to bridges in ER.

I'm wanting to lean more towards the period after the Kilrah Raid and Tarawa's refitting. Before Red Three and the Munro engagement there was some time where both Panther and Wilford could have served on the Tarawa in some role. Although I have trouble imagining what position Wilford would have served since Bear is captain of the ship. It might be possible they were with Richard's DSS5 team? although that seems like the longest shot....
Could it have been possible for Wilford to have taken control of the Tarawa and used it as his flagship in some minor operation? I don't know what rank he is so I do not know if he has the authority and/or rank to do so, though. Also could Panther have been a pilot on the Tarawa all along? Although I believe Bear, Doomsday and one other pilot were the only veterans on her, weren't they? Would it have been too late for Panther to have entered service, then?
I think they were probably part of the DSS5 team. maybe panther was a shuttle pilot at first or something and wilford a technical supervisor or something...
Once again, the key word is *before* the Tarawa went to the Landreich.

Wilford is a *Captain* in 2681 - thirteen years earlier he could have been a commander or a lieutenant commander... a department head or somesuch on the carrier.