Spertallica said:
or the interaction between the formerly at war Terrans and Vasudans as they attempted to find out more about the Shivans.
Well, you're right, there certainly wasn't much interaction between the formerly at war Terrans and Vasudans in WCP... but what it lacked in Vasudans, it made up with Kilrathi
The Vasudan thing, to me, was meaningless - ooh, an enemy we've been fighting for decades. I should hate them... but why? It's the first time I've ever seen. I don't give a shit. Just
one encounter with the Kilrathi in WCP was worth more than the entire Vasudan subplot in Freespace, because when you saw a Kilrathi fighter on your wing
it meant something to you; you had an emotional investment in the Kilrathi. You didn't with the Vasudans... and really, the way the series was going, you still wouldn't have cared about the Vasudans five games later. What do we know about the Vasudans, after two games? You mentioned something about the Kilrathi culture making the earlier games in the series more interesting. That's true - and so I ask you, why is it that after two games and one addon, the Vasudans are still just generic aliens with no culture and no personality? How do you justify using the Vasudans as an example of something that FS did better than WCP, when anybody can immediately see that the Vasudans were just as faceless as the rest of the FS cast?
(makes you wonder - were the Shivans so mysterious because that's the way the designers had imagined them... or were they merely mysterious because the designers had as little imagination for them as they did for everything else in the FS universe? In other words, this one thing that I feel FS did better than WCP... was it design, or was it an accidental result of making a faceless and generic game with faceless and generic species and characters?)
As for gameplay, as much as I love Wing Commander, Freespace 2 has WC
beat hands down, and using sales as a figure for which game is better is stupid, IMO.
In your opinion - but only in yours. We're not talking about a space sim market in general. My only question is - if people loved FS1, why didn't they buy FS2? If you like a particular game, and a sequel comes out, your decision to buy or not to buy this sequel is
not affected by what's happening with the rest of the genre. If you are seriously suggesting that FS fans decided not to buy FS2 because the space sim market had fallen through, you are grossly insulting the intelligence of FS fans.
So, having established that, we must come to the obvious truth - only about forty thousand FS1 players actually liked the game enough to buy a sequel. Nobody else cared. That's how memorable Freespace was.
capital ships that were little more then giant floating targets that, for gameplay purposes, only changed in appearance and had little to no tactical purpose in-game other then being targets to shoot at.
Huh? So, you mean to tell me that capships in WCP never shot back at the player? They never launched fighters, or capship missiles? They never directly threatened friendly capships? They did all of these things - so your argument is just empty rhetoric.
What's more, your argument is made even worse by the fact that the exact same can be said about capships in Freespace. What real purpose did capships like the Eve or the Lucifer serve in Freespace? None - they were just big targets to shoot at. The only difference between them was appearance.
(none of that is true, of course - but if you want to claim without any legitimate argument that the WCP capships were just targets, then you will be forced to reach the conclusion that all capships in every single space sim ever made are just targets)
FS2 featured fantastic missions and gameplay.. capital ships were more then just targets that the same torpedo run tactic could work on every single time, and they could be used (and were used in game) tactically in several different situations, be it providing fire support in a nebula (the TAG missile that direct capship beam weapons), engaging enemy capital ships which the player does not have the armament to destroy (the Shivan Dreadnought), or acting as an active part of a convoy's defensive contingent.
Every single one of those things is true for WCP. Even that TAG missile you talk about has a direct WCP equivalent in the target disc you use to paint a capship target for the Midway.
Additionally, wild-weasel runs in FS2 actually have meaning, as the player is often required to even the odds by taking out an enemy capship's anti-capship weaponry so friendly capships can take it out.
Uh, sure... yeah. Taking out an enemy capship's anti-capship weaponry so friendly capships can take it out has
so much more meaning than taking out an enemy capship's anti-fighter weaponry so friendly bombers can take it out.
(yes, that was sarcasm - the two situations are
Outside of WC2 (arguably the best gameplay wise of the entire WC franchise), you might as well be blowing up the same capital ship every single time a capship is invovled, because they don't really do jack besides sit in place and fire their guns (futilely against torpedo runs, and not even dangerous half the time because capship weapons, for the most part in WC, are incredibly weak) at the player.
Your argument is so weak that even
you don't know what you're talking about. What do you mean, "outside of WC2"? Capships in WC2 did the exact same things they did in WCP. And the argument about "blowing up the same capital ship every single time a capship is involved" applies to WC2 even more than to any other WC game. How does a Ralatha fight? With flak and AMG guns. How do you destroy it? With two torpedoes. How does a Fralthra fight? With flak and AMG guns. How do you destroy it? With two torpedoes. How does a Kilrathi supply depot fight? With flak (no AMG guns - it's deficient). How do you destroy it? With two torpedoes. How does a Confed Gilgamesh fight? With flak and AMG guns. How do you destroy it? With two torpedoes.
Needless to say, the thing I'm getting at here is not that WC2 is repetitive. My point is that your entire argument relies on completely unfounded personal opinion and ideas that are more than merely not true - they are actually the exact opposite of reality. You make claims about the entire WC series with the exception of one game, and upon closer analysis it turns out that this one game is actually the closest to fulfilling your claims. What's more the whole point of your argument is to prove that FS is better
in this aspect than WCP... but you have failed to prove that FS is any different at all than WCP in this aspect.