Quarto said:
Sure, the transports are weak, but what about their unknown number of escorts?
How's that any different from sending two Longbows without escorsts against a cat cruiser
Seriously, the 'sports in this situation may not have any escorts. Otherwise, DH would say something about them.
Furthermore, you are risking a lot when you assume that the Excalibur wing can deal with both fighter groups in the short space of time before either group gets to the carrier.
Hm, seing how I only have 10 fighters in my arsenal, I assume the cats don't have much more. So yeah, I think the Excals could deal with them fast enough.
Do you really want to risk having the two Hellcats engage both the bombers and the wing of fighters?
There's a risk in every plan.
No, I don't want to risk having only three fighter to engage bombers and fighters, that's why I sent the Excals to take out the incoming fighters, because of their superiority. They certainly could take care of the fighters fast enough, but to make an acurate plan I'd need to know the distances from the transports, the cruiser, estimates on the number of Kilrathi fighters, and if there are any planets/asteroids, or any other anomolies in the area.
Most likely, neither the Thunderbolt nor the two Excaliburs would return in time to save the carrier from certain destruction.
You too seem to rely on the Excals geting back to the carrier to asist the forces there. The 'Cats and the Arrow would most likely dispose of the bombers before the fighters could get there. And fighters themselves couldn't do anything to a carrier, even if they did take out the defenders before the rest of the group gets back. Plus, like I said the carrier was moving behind the cruiser, so at least the T-bolts could get back in time.
[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited May 06, 2000).]