Buyable Ships

No. Actually you cannot even buy the Tarsus. The ship dealers anywhere in the Gemini sector will only offer the Orion, Galaxy or Centurion. If you trade in your Tarsus for one of these ships you can' t have it back afterwards.
In our current Beta (0.7) you can also buy a Demon, Gladius and Stiletto but you don't automatically sell your ships when you buy a new one.

Unregistered is talking about the original Privateer, the Remake has a few changes to the original game.
TBH, I'd just include the Demon. The Stiletto and Gladius are MILITARY ships; I doubt they'd be available to the common man.
It would depend who you are buying from. I am sure that at a price a person could find someone to sell them a military issue fighter.
I love flying the stiletto--but I should make it more expensive than it is...

it only has 10 cargo room...once you've upgraded it a bit, you're left with hardly anything--or else you can increase the mass by buying a cargo expansion, making your ship less nimble

of course the milspec version remains nimble ;-) but that one's a good flat million if I remember (if not I should change it)

Remember that Larry Ellison bought a fighter jet... ;-) didn't he?

PS: isn't the gladius a militia ship--- doesn't militia mean
"1. An army composed of ordinary citizens rather than professional soldiers."
hellcatv said:
it only has 10 cargo room...once you've upgraded it a bit, you're left with hardly anything--or else you can increase the mass by buying a cargo expansion, making your ship less nimble
Given that the only place where you could store cargo in a Stiletto is the cockpit, I find 10 cargo units too generous by about 10 cargo units :p.
The idea behind the militia in Privateer is that they're a locally raised force - but it's not that a bunch of citizens decided to form an organized police force one day... they're the military force of the local system governments rather than the central Confederation government.

They're distinct from the ISS, which is a federally budgeted force - a distaff arm of the Space Forces.
Wow, ISS on multiple threads.

All ships have cargo holds, right? Even a pirate must have a place to store the cargo! But about the Stilleto, well... considering what LOAF just said, are the Stilletos military-only craft?

And what about the Drayman?
Delance said:
Wow, ISS on multiple threads.

All ships have cargo holds, right? Even a pirate must have a place to store the cargo! But about the Stilleto, well... considering what LOAF just said, are the Stilletos military-only craft?

And what about the Drayman?

Yes, the Drayman has a cargo hold. :)

But yeah, the Stiletto (and the Gladius and the Talon) are military ships - it wouldn't make sense for a civilian to have them. Not only would they be hard to explain having in the first place, they'd be a dead giveaway that you were breaking the law (making you a target for Confed/Militia/etc.)

(The Talon is the exception which proves the rule - Pirates and Retros fly them... with a specific backstory about how a corrupt governor sold surplus Talons to the Church of Man, and was then run out of office and made a criminal for having done so.)
Re: the Stiletto's cargo hold -
Upgrades in Vegastrike use "cargo" room. After upgrading your Stiletto, you are left with room for about 3 cargo units.

Stiletto's are military ships, but they are just too cool not to have the chance to fly them. They wil be very expensive, and we'll pretend that the price includes letters of marque and reprisal or something. It may be a bit fast and loose with the facts to have them flyable, but they are fun, and provide a good incentive for the player to continue earning cash, something that was missing in the original once you had the biggest guns, a gun cooler and the rest of the stuff. It's a gameplay decision that has for the moment overcome our drive for canon fidelity ;)

'Sides, although allowing the player to buy a military ship isn't really necessary for a Privateer remake, if an expanded Wing Commander Universe ever comes to be, it becomes necessary. There just aren't that many civilian ships in the WCU beyond what we see in Privateer.
MamiyaOtaru said:
Stiletto's are military ships, but they are just too cool not to have the chance to fly them.
And this is exactly why I'm allergic to Privateer-a-like fan projects. Every one of them, whether it be this one, WCU, or that FreeLancer project, decides that the player should be able to own a bunch of ships that the player should never be able to own. The excuse? They're just too cool?

Really, take my advice - any time that you're making a fan project, and the only reason you have to explain your actions is that something is so cool that you just have to include it, take a step back and think again. As a general rule, things that are just too cool actually make fan projects suck - just imagine the result had we added Dragons to UE. Yeah, that would have been cool. And stupid :P.

'Sides, although allowing the player to buy a military ship isn't really necessary for a Privateer remake, if an expanded Wing Commander Universe ever comes to be, it becomes necessary. There just aren't that many civilian ships in the WCU beyond what we see in Privateer.
Frankly, I would much, much prefer to see a Privateer-a-like fan project develop one or two completely new, non-canon ships than to give me military ships to fly with. If you're gonna screw the canon anyway, you might as well do it right, at least.

You could, for example, get someone to model that unused Priv ship; then there's the Dilligent from the WCM (which we in Standoff call Errant-class, although that's not in any way canon), and that ship that Kruger was flying in Action Stations (difficult, since there's only textual descriptions, of course). Since you'd already have five other ships (the Priv four, plus Demon), you'd really only have to make one or two of these and you'd end up with a very nice set. You'd still be violating the canon (at least, with that unused Priv ship - the other two, IMO, are fair game), but you'd be doing it in such a way that you'd be actually improving the universe rather than messing it up.
I can write a little patch program that makes the stiletto unbuyable... it's a 2 line unix command

grep -v stiletto master_part_list.csv > t
mv t master_part_list

there you stilletto ain't buyable ;-)

if you feel strongly, then run that before playing... for those fun lovers like me, they can have it my way...that's the beauty of open source.
I can make an auto-patcher if there's a very strong feeling...but no reason to take away the fun from those people who like it... remember it's easier to take OUT the lines in the master part list (buyable objects) than to add them back in (with prices, etc). so it's always good to start with the option and remove it if necessary.

Remember even if you're too lazy to patch, you can always just refuse to buy one, just like I will refuse to buy an SUV in real life, because I think they're wasteful and unrealistic even if there's demand from people other than myself. Removing it from the market because it's unwelcome by few goes against capitalism (not that I'm a capitalist pig, eh comrade?)...
Quarto said:
And this is exactly why I'm allergic to Privateer-a-like fan projects.
There's an easy solution to your problem, and it doesn't involve me changing my mind to suit your definition of what's right.

Seriously, why not latch on to one of my reasons (given with a wink and a nod), and ignore the other, real reason? The Stiletto is a carrot on a stick to keep the player going after he has kitted his ship with fusion cannons and all the upgrades possible. It is the aircraft carrier available for 6 million dollars on ebay.

It will not come into play until after the campaign (due to a high price). It can be considered an easter egg. It will not be all roses though, certain factions react very negatively to the presence of a Stiletto.

And so you can have something to quote in your next post denouncing it: yes, I like flying it. What an evil reason to have it in the game ;)

HellcatV is a lot more diplomatic than I :D
Well, a while ago there was a discussion going on in the dev team... god knows LOAF and Quarto are absolutely right but the dev team is a democratic constitution and there are too few people who want to drive the strict privateer line, i'm sorry to see what's going on and i can only hope you guys can convince the rest of the team...
For all that the game is, I found the capability to purchase some military craft kinda fun. I was really hoping to buy a drayman. That would have ruled.

Speaking of introducing new ships, you're welcome to use the ship that Bob McDob and I designed. (Well, on my end, anyway. I think he'd also agree). I think I may have some pictures of it. This is the only one I have access to here at work.

MamiyaOtaru said:
And so you can have something to quote in your next post denouncing it: yes, I like flying it. What an evil reason to have it in the game ;)
Baaah! You demon! ;)

Seriously, though. I guess there's not much point in me (or anyone else that agrees with me) continuing this debate - if my arguments, explained in the PM reply I just sent you don't persuade you, then there isn't anything I could say that would do the trick.

(I can't resist pointing out one thing, though - when you compare the Stiletto to the six million dollar aircraft carrier on ebay, that definitely does not help strengthen your argument :) )