Best Weapon Combo

Best Gun Combo

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I actually really disliked the Excalibur's weapon loadout mostly because I was constantly running out of energy too quickly thanks to those power hungry tachyon cannons.

There was this one mission late in WC3, before you left for Kilrah, where you had to take out this really big ship. I would run out of missiles and still wouldn't be able to kill it because in the time my weapon capacitor recharged, the ships shields would come back. So, it'd be red on all sides, but I wouldn't be able to finish it off.

Ever since, I've flown the Thunderbolt. It's my hands-down favorite ship to fly mostly because I can go BANG and kill whatever's in front of me. Six cannons make a very eloquent statement. The torpedo doesn't hurt, but it's that resounding BLAM sound that you get from the T-Bolt that gave me the most satisfaction from WC3 and a mild sense of disappointment from WC4 that I couldn't fly it any more.
I actually really disliked the Excalibur's weapon loadout mostly because I was constantly running out of energy too quickly thanks to those power hungry tachyon cannons.

There was this one mission late in WC3, before you left for Kilrah, where you had to take out this really big ship. I would run out of missiles and still wouldn't be able to kill it because in the time my weapon capacitor recharged, the ships shields would come back. So, it'd be red on all sides, but I wouldn't be able to finish it off.

You needed to put more power to the guns, my friend :)
wasp makes killing bugs so easy its sort of like breathing..... fire.

Highly accurate analogy, completely agree. I loved the Swarmer packs, I noted they're much less effective against Confed craft if you turn traitor, although they still wiped out a Shrike so they can't be that bad.

My null vote is definitely for the Raptor though, re-fire rate sucked but it was worth it for just three salvos of guaranteed death. I still love tailing a Jalthi and letting rip with overkill using full guns and a DF.
You needed to put more power to the guns, my friend :)


I suppose I needed to do that! Never thought about it. It's been years since I've played. For the most part I never had to do the whole energy management thing unless I was on one of the higher difficulty settings.
Highly accurate analogy, completely agree. I loved the Swarmer packs, I noted they're much less effective against Confed craft if you turn traitor, although they still wiped out a Shrike so they can't be that bad.

In WCP MP they are absolutely the most deadly weapon. I can't tell you how many times I've nailed Pete in a Panther while using the's about the only ship I could ever consistently beat him in...all thanks to those swarmers.

I suppose I needed to do that! Never thought about it. It's been years since I've played. For the most part I never had to do the whole energy management thing unless I was on one of the higher difficulty settings.

If you ever go back in again, take all the power from damage control and put it into your guns, maybe a little bit into the shields. You can always put it back in if you actually take damage, but it becomes a lot harder to do so once you've juiced the Excal's guns.
If you ever go back in again, take all the power from damage control and put it into your guns, maybe a little bit into the shields. You can always put it back in if you actually take damage, but it becomes a lot harder to do so once you've juiced the Excal's guns.

"Damage? You must be joking..." I can't ever even remember taking damage in that fighter. Lost aft shields a couple times, but I took all power from damage control and shifted it into shields and weapons 50/50
I was a sloppy pilot in the WC3/4 engine. Didn't feel the same as WC1 or 2... and in 3, I played mouse/keyboard, so I couldn't turn and afterburn at the same time.
Really? I thought you could hit Tab to afterburn in the WC3/WC4 engine. Then you can just move the mouse to turn around... It works in WC4, and I do believe it works in WC3.
I can't believe the guy didn't power manage.
I remember starting a mission went
- Take off
- Select favoured Gun combo
- Select favoured Missile type
- Take all power from damage control and put it into guns
- Auto pilot
Really? I thought you could hit Tab to afterburn in the WC3/WC4 engine. Then you can just move the mouse to turn around... It works in WC4, and I do believe it works in WC3.

Choosing mouse mode takes away the tab option from WC3 and gives it to the mouse. You double right-click and hold to afterburn. Bit of a pain, that was, as you couldn't fire while afterburning either.
I can't believe the guy didn't power manage.
I remember starting a mission went
- Take off
- Select favoured Gun combo
- Select favoured Missile type
- Take all power from damage control and put it into guns
- Auto pilot

Hey, I played through the whole game without messing with power options. Also, I adapted to the situation and used the Thunderbolt, which I happen to prefer over the Excalibur anyway.

To each their own.
The Excalibur had the best guns for me. I must add the Vampire (WCP) to that list too, very good combo too. It's been to long for me to remember the combo ;)
WC1- Rapier. Long-range lasers, enough to take down the shields. Then switch to neutrons to take care of the rest.

The Raptors are okay. But the two “close-range” guns don’t do too much for me. (Especially when fighting against those armed with lasers.) Not to mention that I end up draining everything quickly. So I usually keep to the mass drivers and use the neutrons for the quick kills.

WC3- Excalibur. Never really had a problem with the fighters or the payloads (Having the ability to load my faves helps.). But the Excal’s guns, to me, sound so darned cool! Never had a problem taking down anything with those monsters! Though some might prefer the Thunderbolt’s array, I think I’ve ran my guns dry faster in the ‘Bolt then in the Excals.
WC1- Rapier. Long-range lasers, enough to take down the shields. Then switch to neutrons to take care of the rest.

The Raptors are okay. But the two “close-range” guns don’t do too much for me. (Especially when fighting against those armed with lasers.) Not to mention that I end up draining everything quickly. So I usually keep to the mass drivers and use the neutrons for the quick kills.

Thats partially why they didnt make it on the list. The Raptor always struck me as a quick strike craft. Move in fast, blast everything and get out. If not, your guns are drained and you have a pissed off Kilrathi bearing down on you.
You do realize that even though it's a heavy fighter, it's still the 3rd fastest ship on Confed's side (only the Hornet and then-experimental Rapier II were faster), and not that far down the list of "fast ships" on the kat side (Salthi and limited-production Bloodfang are faster) right? That speed makes it easier to run in close and start hammering on that target where its engagement range advantage isn't an issue.

And, really, pretty much all of the kat ships save the Hriss and Bloodfang were varying degrees of weaksauce, as far as defenses go. Anyone who survived an encounter with a Raptor flown by a reasonably competent pilot may be pissed off about it, but thanks to missing huge chunks out of their fighter (some of them being vital equipment) they'll have other things to worry about besides revenge.
Move in fast, blast everything and get out. If not...

There shouldn't be an "if not" to this scenario, at least not with WC1's AI level. Even if there was, the Raptor can more than outmaneuver credible threat and then get behind the enemy by the time the guns have recharged.
I try not to miss an opportunity to talk about my favorite fighter.

RAPTORS!!! WOOHOO!! I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for that ship. The first time I flew it, I fell in love. Guns, Missles, and a Mine! Pure awesome!

However, since the Raptor isn't on the poll, I voted for the Rapier.