Best Weapon Combo

Best Gun Combo

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The superfighters tended to have high drain weapons compared to their stopping power. While the Raptor could only fire three or four salvos at full power, the raw energy in each salvo was unmatched. Also, you had to be close to be effective (I usually wait Until I'm within 2000 klicks before I fire), so you had a better chance of hitting the target with every shot, which was enough to destroy almost any fighter.

I don't know, the Wraith in Academy wasn't that bad either. Granted I wound up killing myself a couple of times due to underestimating the afterburners.
The superfighters tended to have high drain weapons compared to their stopping power. While the Raptor could only fire three or four salvos at full power, the raw energy in each salvo was unmatched. Also, you had to be close to be effective (I usually wait Until I'm within 2000 klicks before I fire), so you had a better chance of hitting the target with every shot, which was enough to destroy almost any fighter.

I think part of the problem is that it's pretty easy to forget what guns you're using in the first place with the superfighters. Get in range, squeeze the trigger and watch it explode. With the Raptor I had to aim, and killing a fighter in that space of time felt accomplishing. With the WC3/4 superfighters, I didn't have to do much of anything. Bor-ing...
Definitely the raptor, followed by the arrow and panther. I also really liked lasers and mass drivers for some reason.
I think part of the problem is that it's pretty easy to forget what guns you're using in the first place with the superfighters. Get in range, squeeze the trigger and watch it explode. With the Raptor I had to aim, and killing a fighter in that space of time felt accomplishing. With the WC3/4 superfighters, I didn't have to do much of anything. Bor-ing...

And if you missed the first time with the Raptor, it took a few seconds to recharge and turn back towards the target, usually taking daamage from quicker fighters along the way. The Excalibur and Rapier were quick enough that you could tail the enemy with your guns recharged.
And if you missed the first time with the Raptor, it took a few seconds to recharge and turn back towards the target, usually taking daamage from quicker fighters along the way. The Excalibur and Rapier were quick enough that you could tail the enemy with your guns recharged.

A quick tap of the afterburners would solve this problem, really. I have no more problem evading things in a Raptor than I do a Rapier. Heck, I usually fly faster in a Scimitar than I do with those two, simply for fear of running into things.
And if you missed the first time with the Raptor, it took a few seconds to recharge and turn back towards the target, usually taking daamage from quicker fighters along the way. The Excalibur and Rapier were quick enough that you could tail the enemy with your guns recharged.

I have to admit, I never had this problem in the Raptor, I was able to tail the enemy fighter.
I guess I never really bothered trying to tail an eneemy in the raptor; I usually finished them off on the first pass or went head-to-head without fear of runningout of shields and armor. The Rapier is a diiferent story; as strong as the shield were, I took more care staying out of the arc of fire in case they did go down
I loved the Raptor in WC1 and the Thunderbolt in 3. In WC2 I can't really recall a favorite, though I did better than average in the Rapier II. I also loved the Dragon in 4 for the same reason I loved the Thunderbolt big freakin guns :D. I loved charging mass drivers, cause I knew how to really exploit them due to my fission experience in the Dragon. For that reason, as well, I found myself really enjoying the dogifghts I got into in the Devastator, but killing bugs in a Wasp with a Swarmer, was just beautiful, beautiful, overkill.:cool:

If a Confed battlegroup appeared in orbit tomorrow, looking for volunteers, I'd want to be driving a Thunderbolt. It is just a gourgeously, ugly, flying tank that always brought me home, practically, without fail.
We already had the discussion about Secret Ops not being an add-on to Prophecy in another thread, just a few days ago. I know the intarweb is supposed to have a short memory, but not that short.
I did like the Stormfire cannon too. Firing that baby was like being that guy in Predator when he unleashes a full pack of mini gun into the jungle :)
I liked big fat Broadsword from WC2 (f it had afterburner, it would be a great craft). The 3 Mass divers may not be the most powerful combo there, but they are placed so tightly, that if you aim, you will hit with all of them.

Nothing worse than shotting with 4 guns and only 1 projectile actually hitting (and this happens too often with very small and thin enemies).
Perhaps the poll should be changed because I feel the Raptor would have a crushing lead...

I guess it's too late now, but I would also vote for the Raptor. It got more write-in votes than any of the options up top.
P-64 Ferret!

Those two mass drivers could be deadly as they zoom all around larger, slower fighters!
My favorite missions in WC2 involved one of those.
Arrow all the way. Don't even ask me why, I just remember firmly believing in the Arrow's guns and being surprised about it myself.
While the Avenger itself was one big, awkward slug, I thought its guns (both main ones and alternate ones) were really good. Even the Leech guns can be useful when fighting Dragons (because the Avenger is so slow, you usually don't have time to inflict much damage with guns before the Dragon can cloak, and when it uncloaks, chances are its shields will be back to full - however, with the Leech guns, you can gradually wear it down).
While the Avenger itself was one big, awkward slug, I thought its guns (both main ones and alternate ones) were really good. Even the Leech guns can be useful when fighting Dragons (because the Avenger is so slow, you usually don't have time to inflict much damage with guns before the Dragon can cloak, and when it uncloaks, chances are its shields will be back to full - however, with the Leech guns, you can gradually wear it down).

I dunno that Mass driver cannon made me jump every time. It got kind of annoying!