Winning End Game (Wing Commander Secret Ops cutscene)

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Secret Ops lines associated with the Winning End Game. These lines play over a cutscene rendered in the game's engine.


Cavazos: Admiral! Good to see you. I'm anxious to hear your report.

Rayak: Impeccable first duty, sir! The ace pilots from Midway kept Cerberus safe through the duration. As of 04:22, the alien infestation has been completely erased from Confed territory. Proxima is intact and the remains of the wormhole technology await our inspection.

Cavazos: I see. Thank you for your report, Admiral. Have the Midway pilots returned to their home base. I have new orders for Cerberus. CIS command will take the reins from here.

Rayak: Thank you, sir.

Cavazos: Dismissed. Have a nice flight.