Wing Commander Secret Ops ICIS Briefings - Series E

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Secret Ops ICIS briefing lines associated with Series E.


Luyten E1a

04100040.wav The concentration of alien craft in this system remains unknown. Your wing will lead a patrol along this route. Eliminate any alien vessels you contact. When your patrol is completed, return to Cerberus.

Luyten E2

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04100015.wav An alien cruiser is closing on Luyten outpost at this moment. Clear all NAV points surrounding this station and preserve the main outpost complex. Cerberus stands to gain important data from the sensor array aboard Luyten as well as necessary supplies and possible reinforcements.

Luyten E2a

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04100041.wav Cerberus jump detection software has located a possible alien supply convoy in this system. Follow this NAV route and eliminate any alien interceptors you encounter. When you reach the alien supply convoy, destroy it and all attending craft. Once the convoy has been eliminated, you will be cleared for landing.

Luyten E3a

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04100016.wav Due to our successful defense of the Luyten outpost, we will be able to strike the alien cruiser. This is the first of three alien capital ships believed to be in this system. After the failed alien attack on Luyten station, Cruiser defenses should be relatively light. Fighters and bombers from Luyten station will add additional firepower to this effort and to our continued movement through the system.

Luyten E3b

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04100017.wav Our failure to preserve Luyten station has left us without the resources necessary to assault the alien blockade in this system. Cerberus will evade to a position near the jump to Sirius. Confederate forces in Sirius have sent reinforcements to this new position. Patrol these points, rendezvous with the incoming ships and escort them safely to Cerberus.

Luyten E4a

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04100018.wav With continued help from forces in Luyten, we will attempt to remove the alien blockade presence. Follow this NAV route and eliminate all alien craft. Once your mission is complete, Cerberus will be advancing to Kreiger system for further elimination of the alien blockade.

Luyten E4b

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04100019.wav With help from forces in Sirius, we will attempt to remove the alien blockade presence. Follow this NAV route and eliminate all alien craft. Once your mission is complete, Cerberus will be falling back to Sirius to aid confed forces before a second blockade can be created.