Wing Commander Secret Ops ICIS Briefings - Series H

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Secret Ops ICIS briefing lines associated with Series H.


Proxima H1a/H1b

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04100029.wav Cerberus has entered the Proxima system. This is the heart of alien operations in the Vega sector. Our purpose is to control the aliens' stellar-accretion device and thereby keep them from opening a new gate. To do this, we must command Proxima system. Patrol these NAV points and eliminate all enemy forces you encounter. Return to Cerberus for further briefing.

Proxima H2a

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04100030.wav The stellar-accretion device is supported by a large carrier force near the midpoint of Proxima system. In order to launch the proper offensive, Cerberus will require escort to this midpoint.
04100031.wav Confederate craft from Sirius system will be reinforcing our assault on this carrier group.
04100033.wav Escort Cerberus along this NAV route and eliminate all alien forces.

Proxima H2b

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04100030.wav The stellar-accretion device is supported by a large carrier force near the midpoint of Proxima system. In order to launch the proper offensive, Cerberus will require escort to this midpoint.
04100032.wav Confederate craft from Kreiger system will be reinforcing our assault on this carrier group.
04100033.wav Escort Cerberus along this NAV route and eliminate all alien forces.

Proxima H24

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04100034.wav Intel Science Division believes that complete destruction of the device may lead to dangerous long-term effects in Proxima. Your goal is to remove the alien presence without eliminating the device. Follow this NAV route to the aliens' staging ground. Clear the area of all hostile craft and await arrival of Cerberus.