Wing Commander CIC


  On This Day

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds


Victory# 1160 

Name Victory
Class Victory class Transport
Note Victory class Transport
Faction Privateer
About Victory class transports were first produced in the early years of the Kilrathi war. Even when first produced, the Victory class was already out of date.

Related records: A Sommers, Alan Perez, Alexander Sanders, Ariel Mustaka, Betz, Calder, Catherine Cantieri, Chris Douglas, Christopher Blair, Craig Halverson, Daniel Whittaker, Dean McCall, Denise Mbuto, Destroyer Squadron 67, Dmitri Rostov, Double-Digit Delight Pie, DuBois, Dulbrunin, EarthBound, Elizabeth Pugh, Ellen Pierce, Emerson, Food replication, Gazer, Geoffrey Tolwyn, Gessler, Glazowski, Gustav Svensson, H Mackin, Helmut Jaeger, Ion Radescu, J Mappus, Jace Dillon, James Lee, James Taggart, Jason Bondarevsky, Jeannette Devereaux, John McLean, KIS Irrkham, KIS Sar'hrai, Krottan, Kyle Lee, Lancelot Flight, Laurel Buckley, Lawrence Raltson, Leyland, Lisa Morgan, Luigi Berterelli, Marina Ulyanova, Mark, Mark Vearrier, Max Lewis, Melissa Mead, Michael Hinton, Michael J, Mitchell Lopez, Pilot's Weekly, Quanntum 3 Artificial Publisher, Rachel Coriolis, Ralgha nar Hhallas, Reese, Robin Peters, Satellite Telecommunications System, Shipboard Orientation Kit, Tanaka, TCS Ajax, TCS Behemoth, TCS Hardy, TCS Horatio Nelson, TCS Sheffield, TCS Victory (CV-40), Ted Markham, Ted Rollins, tHE lOVE aNIMALS, Thomas Fairfax, Thomas Lee, Thomas White, Todd Marshall, Torch, Traveler, Trent, Tuesday Frase, Unicorn, Victory Streak, VidZine, Vurrig nar Tsahl, Winston Chang, Zapp, Zero-G Wataerobics
Record edited by Cpl Hades
Last modified Aug 10 2003


Air filtration  
Ana Maria Albe  
Translight Sca  

Christopher Bl  
Terran Confede  
Bengal Strike   
Concordia Flee  
TCS Tiger's Cl  
Vesuvius Heavy  
Midway Heavy C  

Stingray Inter