You Might Be A Wingnut!

powell99 said:
If you blame a house cat for COL. Deveraux's death you are a WingNut
(My freind did that to his cat. really he did)
After WC3, I don't think I'll ever trust a cat again.
Wedge009 said:
"What happened to the Terran concept of absolution?"

It's still alive in most of us.

Also if someone threatens to beat you up, you might be a wingnut if you reply "do it then, it won't bring back your homeworld."
Wedge009 said:
"What happened to the Terran concept of absolution?"
Confed already tried that once with the Kats. I wouldn't have gotten all chummy with Melek either. This was one instance from the games where I would've chosen different dialogue from what Blair did. I don't think he spared Blair just to be nice. He was always a clever plotting Kat- even from the comments he made to the Emporer: "As always, a wise choice, my leige".. etc.. I think he saw a great bargaining chip to bring to the negotiation table- he probably couldn't believe his luck in having the Confederation's hero in his hands- knowing our Earthling traits, we would give alot to ensure he's back safely as well as the fact that it makes him look like a good guy who's changed his ways and can be trusted as a new leader of the Kilrathi.
when if you go out for a drive in your car and you think to yourself (even for the teeniest wee second!!!) that u better redistribute more power to your shields and weapons incase u have a thick furball with the kitties today, you might be a wingnut!
You're a Wingnut if you're at a meeting discussing important work related items, but all you can think about is getting home to check's "ships database" to see if the Flash-Pak's damage rating is enough to destroy the cm's of a Kilrathi Dreadnought.

You very well could be a Wingnut if this company's name is "Brady-Weaver", and after abbreviating it as BW on your notes, you think about how cool it is that it looks like the abbreviation for "Border Worlds".

(Man, I could get fired if they knew what was going through my mind :p)
Mjr. Whoopass said:
Confed already tried that once with the Kats. I wouldn't have gotten all chummy with Melek either. This was one instance from the games where I would've chosen different dialogue from what Blair did. I don't think he spared Blair just to be nice. He was always a clever plotting Kat- even from the comments he made to the Emporer: "As always, a wise choice, my leige".. etc.. I think he saw a great bargaining chip to bring to the negotiation table- he probably couldn't believe his luck in having the Confederation's hero in his hands- knowing our Earthling traits, we would give alot to ensure he's back safely as well as the fact that it makes him look like a good guy who's changed his ways and can be trusted as a new leader of the Kilrathi.

So he is Really like Piter DeVries
If your favorite radio station has the call letters WCIC, and even though you love the music, you STILL wish it was a station that played Wing Commander music.... you might be a Wingnut. (true story)
If you take on a large number of Star Wars geeks to make the point that one guy in a Dragon could probably have defeated the Empire all by himself, you might be a Wingnut. (Look at shield/damage values)
spiritplumber said:
If you take on a large number of Star Wars geeks to make the point that one guy in a Dragon could probably have defeated the Empire all by himself, you might be a Wingnut. (Look at shield/damage values)

Well being as the TIE-Fighter has no Shields, that would be easy
If you say to your girlfriend, “Hey, that guy plays a character in Wing Commander”, every time you see one of them in a movie. Then I think you’re a Wing nut.
(Ok, I confess. I do it.)
Kilrah said:
If you say to your girlfriend, “Hey, that guy plays a character in Wing Commander”, every time you see one of them in a movie. Then I think you’re a Wing nut.
(Ok, I confess. I do it.)

I know I do this. For example if I see Malcom McDowell in a film, I will never say, "hey its Malcom McDowell." It is always more like, "hey its Tolwyn." I guess that makes me a wingnut then :) .