You Might Be A Wingnut!

McGruff said:
If you're a member of a far left liberal website like that, you might be a retard.
lol, I'm inclined to agree.. but you still MIGHT be a Wingnut. However, if you're a retard Wingnut you'll probably get booted from the forums by BanditLOAF, ChrisReid, or some other administrator before you pass cadet status :D..

BTW McGruff, "Giving your cat a Kilrathi surname".. you're a GENIUS!!! lol
Well, in Canada you can register custom plates, up to 8 letters...I'm trying to think if there were any famous ships with four letter names (need a space) or shorter?
Mjr. Whoopass said:
lol, I'm inclined to agree.. but you still MIGHT be a Wingnut. However, if you're a retard Wingnut you'll probably get booted from the forums by BanditLOAF, ChrisReid, or some other administrator before you pass cadet status :D..

BTW McGruff, "Giving your cat a Kilrathi surname".. you're a GENIUS!!! lol

Genius?, nah. Just a Wingnut. :D
Dralthi5 said:
If you start a WC group on, and you're the only member...

P.S.: Jeff Foxworthy sucks.
If you think Jeff Foxworthy sucks and you STILL post a "Might Be A Wingnut" joke, you Might be a Wingnut.
You might be a Wingnut if you put a picture of Maniac where your Emissions Sticker use to be - and then talk to it like its a HUD.
when you and your friends go into a bar, see the bar with beers and say "break and attack"

iCe said:
when you and your friends go into a bar, see the bar with beers and say "break and attack"

:D Funny... Then you see a hot girl and tell her: "Form on my wing."
Mjr. Whoopass said:
:D Funny... Then you see a hot girl and tell her: "Form on my wing."

and then you tell to your friends "Maintain Radio Silence" or "Return to Base" :D