X-Men 2 (warning: spoilers)

Originally posted by Delance
A "Fed" or a "Gestapo" had names, and it was *possible* to defeat them conventionally.

I know a few people with the last name Smith. I'm sure your phone book has a number of them too.

"Conventional" is a matter of opinion. I think its quite conventional if a virtual reality program can slow down time that the people in it can do the same.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
These kids today love 'raves'! Lets put a 'rave' in The Matrix 2! That can be what the last remnants of mankind do for fun! This isn't incredibly stupid at all!

They would probably just have a lot of sex all the time. When life is that miserable and there's nothing else to do, well...

Also: people love neon. What if people wearing neon attack Batman for no reason?

Even their cars had neon. That SRRA.
Just saw Matrix 2 and am having fairly mixed feelings about it now. While I watched it I thought is was absolutely fantastic and the next logical step in the series, however, now I'm starting to feel less good about. On reflection, a lot of it does seem somewhat pointless and the observations that the dialogue was pretty shite seems accurate. But the special effects were something else, especially as the last film that genuinely imp-ressed me CGI wise was Matrix 1. There are one or two shots in there that haven't been bettered, even in four years of really rapid progression.
One thing that was held together though was the wider concept, even though it was explained in a somewhat pointless and waffling manner. Films I was reminded of: Crouching Tiger, ESB, Dune (in a BIG way) and 2001 A Space Odessy.
One the whole, it was a pretty good movie and I'll almost certainly be seeing it again at the cinema and then buy the DVD. And then I'll memories every line of dialogue like I did with the last film. Then my girlfriend will leave me. :(
I love the fact that all the people in the theater I was in thought the dialouge was shit since none of them seemed to understand Causality, so they missed everything the movie was attempting to say.

It's like going to see a foreign movie without subtitles and then saying you hate the movie because you don't speak German.
Originally posted by LeHah
I love the fact that all the people in the theater I was in thought the dialouge was shit since none of them seemed to understand Causality, so they missed everything the movie was attempting to say.

What a bunch of Tards

I mean the Merovingian, said that Causality is, Cause and Effect. And if you don't understand it after that, then you shouldn't be watching the Matrix