Originally posted by LeHah
Not even remotely. Me farting has more of an air of ESB than Reloaded.
T3 looks doomed. I mean, shit, a female Terminator? What next? A crippled, mulatto Terminator who speaks with a lisp?
Also, the fact that the new Terminator model is called TX makes me want to hit Jonathan Mostow in the face with a tire iron.
Re: ESB. Are you saying that Empire Strikes Back is as good as your farts or that your farts are one of the most entertaining products to come out of film in the past century?
Re: T3. What's wrong with a female terminator. Makes sense actually, if the terminators actually did what they were suppossed to, but all they really seem to do is hunt Mr. Connor. But still. I see nothing wrong with it.
Also, what's so bad about "TX"?