Unknown Enemy
First up, this thread is about capital ships, and as far as I know, nobody considers subs to be capital ships (though I reserve the right to be wrongNergal said:ok here we go best ship of them all the USS Flasher SS 249 sank more tonnage of ships than any other sub in WW2 accounting for 132383 tons of ships the conning tower of this boat now sits at teh WW2 sub memorial in groton conn with a wall listing the 3500 men who died in subs during ww2

Second, the USS Flasher most certainly did not sink more tonnage than any other sub in WWII. The U-107 sank a total of 217.786 tonnes, which is double that of the Flasher's confirmed sinkings (which range between 100,000 and 104,000 depending on where you look). Indeed, the U-48 sank 307,935 tonnes (triple the Flasher's sinkings). In short, the Flasher can go sit on a pack of ice somewhere