*Silly me* I forgot about the two Bill and Ted-movies. No praise to Barb Wire, but those two were BAD!
Mav23: As far as I can remember, I was royally ticked about Anakin's/Hayden's "acting" (or was it Lucas' directing?). His voice seemed wrong, his movement seemed wrong, whatever it was I just didn't like it at all. The music was more obtrusive than before, and fairly boring and repetitive when you had the chance to hear it (SOOOOO not the case with the previous SW-movies, all four of them), too heavy bass in the sounds in the beginning of it (I swear I heard the damn room rattle). And then the... uh... Well, no spoilers... Anakin's and Amidala's small part of the ending, WTF? They met (again) no more than two weeks ago, or at least that's the impression that I got. If Anakin had so much control of the Force, he should be able to shrug off impulsiveness... Christopher Lee simply blew the house in, though. Ph34r 'is voice, me hearties! (I was first introduced to him in the Discworld cartoon-series, where he gave voice to Death. He sure earns his pay...)
Now, with all that said, it was for Mav23 only. If the rest of you want to shout evil things at me for those opinions, do it through PM.